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Hello all and welcome to BBsPlace

Home of lovely people of all shapes and sizes.

I started this chat room so folks would have a decent place to chat where they will not be hassled.

This room welcomes all who enter.

Just a few rules on how this room will operate.

I will ask you once to be nice before I kick you and I ban on first kick.

I will not tolerate harrasment or cyber in public.

I want folks to be able to come here and chat without being bothered.

So that about covers the rules,so enjoy the chat.

This is a new room so not many folks here yet,but i hope to get a good crowd soon.

This room is geared toward BBWs and the men that admire them.

I am a huge fan of BBWs and enjoy their company.

But it seems that in most other chat rooms the pervs are always there to mess things up.

I want this room to be different.

I want ladies of all sizes to feel welcomed without being harrased,bothered,pm'd without permission or being dissed in any way.

As a lover of all ladies,I respect them and think that everyone else should and will make sure that they do while in the room.

Chat is supposed to be fun and enjoyable.

So if your looking for a place to sit back,relaxe,and enjoy good friends and good times,

Give BBsPlace a chance.

You might find a home here and make some great friends.

We can be found on irc on the webmaster server at

look for bbs_place

Thanks and enjoy.

Billy is a member of
The BBW/FA Ring

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BBs Clientele--See the pics
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A great big romance
