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Mantis Tiller

We bought our Mantis Tiller in the spring/summer of 1998, so we don't have a lot of "history" with it, but we since many of you have asked our opinion of it, we will tell you what we can. If we don't manage to answer all your questions, please e-mail me.

We don't have the best soil (black, gumbo clay), but the Mantis Tiller rips right through it when it is fairly dry. When our soil is very dry and hard as a rock, the Mantis Tiller breaks it into fine particles, without much effort.

NOTE: If your garden soil is very dry, I suggest tilling it on a fairly wind-free day, as the Mantis Tiller will create a major dust-storm on a windy day!

To till deeper than 8 - 10 inches, till the dirt until it is up to the guard. Pull the tiller back, pulling the dirt back with it. Then, till some more in the area you are wanting to make deeper.

If you have a problem with dirt or mud building up between the guard and and tines, try turning the tines around backwards. This is called the "cultivating" position.

We recommend checking the nut on the on/off switch and the bolts on the guard, often. We try to remember to check it at least once every hour during use and after finishing the job.

We received a helpful, 31 page, owner's manual with our Mantis Tiller.

Be Prepared!
The Mantis Tiller WILL try to run away from you, if you try to use it at a fast speed!

Overall Opinion

We are very pleased with our Mantis Tiller for the following reasons:

* It does a great job of tilling our garden.
* It is very easy to use.
* It tills thin rows (6 - 8 inches wide), if necessary.
* It's smaller size requires less storage space.
* It's size and weight are about the same as a small to average gas weedeater.

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