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Contact Us
Imran Karim
Nooman Karim

Right Solution For the New Mellinium!

We specialize in today’s technology emphasizing on strong web-communication, including dynamic and, leading edge web development with E-commerce capabilities, client side web-server technology.

Web communication being our primary service, secondary services include outsourcing with today’s leading computer technology keeping the client up-to-date.  Developing software and setting up networks, whether your company operates in a business-to-business environment, business to consumer, or consumer-to-consumer environment, we can help.

The company interested in taking their business to the next level.  Company that is ready for the challenge of the New Millennium and want to take advantage of leading edge technology business growth throughout the industry.  We provides all e-commerce related services; if a company is local today and global tomorrow we can help to setup a global network without ever need of outsourcing another company.  We are proficient in most business technology scenarios exist in the industry today.  Technology speaks of itself today, we guarantee in business growth by providing services in which we specialize.  We guarantee an easy approach for future business growth without ever changing the entire infrastructure or rewriting the entire software.  We also guarantee a 110% satisfaction with all the services we provide. 

Grand Plaza Hotel
Sun mm/dd - 9am CST


We conduct Triage at client side to keep employees up-to-date with current technology

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This site is created for Web Communication (comm 3301)

The University of Texas at Arlington