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Chapter One

Define: PC, Mac, ATM

How do these terms relate to each other: computer literacy-information literacy-integration literacy?(pages 1.4 - 1.5)

As educators, why should we learn about computers?(page 1.5)

By what year do experts anticipate that all occupations will involve computers?

What does a computer do?

What does e-mail stand for?

Define and explain the Internet and the World Wide Web.

Components of a computer: input, output, processor (CPU), memory, storage, communication

Timeline dates and summary statements:
1946-first large-scale electronic, general-purpose digital computer
1969-predecessor of the Internet is established
1975-first microcomputer
1976-first Apple computer is created
1979-spreadsheet program is written
1989-ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) is formed
1992-Windows 3.1; ERIC goes on-line
1995-Windows 95
1998-ISTE develops technology standards for all teachers, adopted by NCATE
2010-all occupations will use some form of technology

Chapter Two

Define the terms
* World Wide Web
* Browsers
* FTP's
* Gophers
* E-mail
* Listservs Newsgroups
* Chat Forums
The mother of networks, linking all computers through telephone lines; all single computers 
and smaller networks can connect to it (page 2.15)
World Wide Web:
Largest public forum for disseminating information; graphic based pages that allow the user 
to jump from one page to another (page 2.17)
WWW Terms: 
 Browser; back/forward, reload/refresh, home
Users send messages electronically through telephone lines from one computer to another 
computer page 2.28)
File Transfer Protocol (FTP):
Process of downloading files from one computer to another computer
(page 2.29-2.30)
Initial way of organizing and presenting information on the Internet; access gopher menus 
using browsers
A forum for a group of people to exchange e-mail about particular topics; this can be social, 
educational or informational in nature( page2.32)
Chat Forums:
Similar to e-mail, listservs and newsgroups, except the dialogue occurs in real-time

Netiquette and the Golden Rule!Page 2.33 Get Connected to the Internet, you need... * Internet access * Equipment: computer, modem, phone line * Software * Install software * Explore and discover the Internet! Educational Uses for the Internet: * Source of information * Place for collaboration * Place to publish Definition: A search engine is a specific type of search tool that finds web sites, web pages, and Internet files that match one or more key words.

Chapter Three

 Chapter 3 Class Presentation

Software Applications for Education Review - Software: - Systems Software (MS-DOS, MacOS, Windows 98 and NT, ) - Application software (word processing, spreadsheet, PowerPoint, drill and practice, database, graphics) Word Processor... The most popular software application used in education Explain the Copy/Paste process Terms to define: formatting; font style; font size; text color Why would teachers use word processing?(give specific examples) Word processing features... Pages 3.10 - 3.12 Spreadsheet Application The first software application created for the PC Terms to know: rows; columns; cell; chart; labels, values; formulas Software Introduction Pages 3.16 - 3.33

Chapter Four

Data representation
     Human speech:  analog
     Computers:  digital
          Each on-off signal=one bit
          Eight bits grouped together = one byte (Page 4.3)
Systems Unit
        CPU/Processor: Control Unit, ALU, System Clock
        Memory:  RAM, ROM
        Expansion slots/cards: Video, Sound, Modem
Output Devices
Input Devices
	Digital camera
	Floppy disk
	Hard disk
	Zip disk
	Compact Disk
	Digital Video Disk

*Know examples of input/output devices for challenged students

*Identify the following hardware components:
        Memory chip
        Output device
        Input device
        Hard Disk
        Floppy disk
        BIOS chip
        Floppy disk drive
        Digital scan converter
        RF modulator

Skills Review

	Use class web site to answer questions about   EDUC 4823
        Internet search using Boolean operators 
        Bookmark the Internet sites
	E-mail messages and attachments	
	Copy paste text from Internet into word processor
	Save text to L drive and A drive (rtf:  what does this mean?)
	Scan disk
        Create folders on disk(explain steps)


