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A Nightmare or a Dream Come True?

    There are over 40 million Americans living in covenants-controlled communities, governed by homeowner associations. Experts predict that number will soon double. The majority of homes being built today are in just such communities.

    The often overwhelming problems homeowners experence in the comunities run rampant across the country.

    Even worse, there are court decisions that verify that the Constitutional rights of homeowners in covenants-controlled communities are not only under attack, there are cases where their rights have been legally denied.

    I want to throw a lifesaver of pertinent information to those current homeowners and future buyers.

In an effort to help build strong, happy communities I offer helpful tips, plus personal phone consulting to anyone who is involved with a homeowners’ association or a common interest development.

Whether you’re a homeowner, a member of a board of directors or an officer with an HOA, a management company, a developer, a builder, an attorney, or if you’re simply looking to buy a home in a community with an HOA, for an HOA phone consultation contact me toll free at
866-422-5224 in Denver 303-422-6277 (Monday through Wednesday 9am to 5pm Mountain Time).

      "For homeowners who don’t know where to turn or what first step to take when they’re having problems with their homeowner association, there is an alternative to the often non-productive and always very unpleasant legal action. The happier alternative is consultation with an expert on homeowner association affairs.

      "Consultation early on in an HOA situation can prevent a small disagreement from escalating into a full-blown courtroom disaster with lots of pain for everyone and no real solution to the problem for anyone.

      "Joni Greenwalt, author of HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATIONS: A Nightmare or a Dream Come True?, is just such a proactive consultant. A long-time homeowner in a covenant-controlled community, and president of the board of its homeowner association, Joni matches her expertise in resolving HOA disputes with a forward-looking and caring attitude. Joni ardently believes that everyone deserves to live happily in their home.

      "Besides being an active Realtor®, Joni has been on both sides of that ponderous HOA boardroom table. The four-year research enterprise for her book has both broadened and honed her knowledge immeasurably. Her twenty years of successful real estate experience have also sharpened her negotiation skills."

                      –Jim Winzenburg, attorney, Denver CO

Through my personal experiences, I recognized that what starts out to be a small issue (something like Christmas lights or even a birdhouse) can become a gigantic issue costing homeowners thousands of dollars. Some have even lost their homes. I learned how to put a quick stop to such tragedies in my community.

All during the time I was dealing with my association problems, I could find no outside resource to guide me. And that’s what generated my commitment to help buyers and homeowners gain and protect their right to live happily in their communities.

So I extend my tips plus phone consulting service to help start a movement to produce pleasurable neighborhoods with an enduring sense of community.

WANT TO BUY A HOME? Don’t rush to buy a home based just on the excitement of your emotions.

For a list of information you need to know before you commit to buy ! ! !
Click here DON’T RUSH TO BUY
It will also serve you well after you settle into your home.

Even if you already live in a community governed by a homeowner association –
Click DON’T RUSH TO BUY - the information will be extremely helpful to you.

Thank you for visiting my web site – I look forward to helping you.
Please call Joni toll free for phone consultation at:
866-422-5224 in Denver 303-422-6277

P.S. In the Denver and Colorado front range areas, I offer onsite group consulting to those involved with community associations. For information call toll free 866-422-5224 in Denver 303-422-6277.

HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATIONS: A Nightmare or a Dream Come True?
Browse the book and visit other related links


  RELATED LINKS: (in alphabetical order)

Accounting Assistance for Homeowner Associations
... of condominiums, townhouses, & housing co-ops. Volunteer boards of directors often need answers and assistance with their association's finances (e.g., accounting, taxes, budgets, & reserve studies). This site is dedicated to providing that help!

American Homeowners Resource Center
In an attempt to preserve, strengthen, and enrich the American home, AHRC has developed sites to address the spiritual, educational, financial, legal, psychological and artistic forces which shape peoples' homes and lives. "Keys" represent its attempt to "unlock the knowledge" that each homeowner can benefit from.

An excellent resource for Association Managers, Association Management, Real estate professionals, Property managers, Directors, Members, and Officers of homeowner associations.

Consumer Advocacy Network
The intent of this Web site is an effort to provide consumers with educational material and advocate for meaningful reform, if necessary. Consumers are encouraged to become proactive at all levels of government.

Cyber Citizens for Justice
was founded to unite Floridians in their quest to improve the daily lives of CITIZENS in our State. We are seeking to present CITIZENS' interest in Florida through ADVOCACY, EDUCATION and LEGISLATIVE REFORM. Our founding forefathers said: "From Justice as a Foundation all Rights flow!"
Please see our informative WebPages for further information!

Florida Community Association Management
Abusive and mismanaged HOAs thrive in Florida because HOA members are severely politically, financially and legally disadvantaged when attempting to enforce their legal rights against the abusive and mismanaged HOA.

Florida Homeowners’ Associated
Providing information and links to Homeowner’s needs, associations, and services. This site is a virtual association.

HOA Network
Guidance about HOA's, boards, and committee operations is conveyed. It presents information regarding the rights of HOA homeowners -- what they can do under existing conditions, proposes an HOA Homeowner's Bill of Rights to redress the imbalance of power which currently favors HOA boards and provides information on other links and resources for the HOA homeowner.

Homeowner Associations and Oregon's SB 1206.

Homeowners Supporting Homeowners in Associations
A non-profit educational organization whose ultimate goal is to educate and support fellow homeowners in realizing their civil and constitutional rights and their applications within the limitation of homeowner associations and associated management companies.

Huntington Village
Sponsored Independently by Concerned HV Residents NOT an Official Huntington Village Community Association SITE Houston, Texas.

Joe Kollin’s "Home Front" column
A link to some of the most vital information about HOA’s and Condo Associations to date… Joe is a Staff Writer for the Sun-Sentinel.

Justice for Home and Condo Owners
We are a grassroots organization formed to educate members of Homeowner Associations as to their rights and responsibilities and to assist them, if possible, in regaining those lost rights that out of control BODs, property management companies and attorneys have stolen from them.

Maryland Homeowner's Association
4300 Montgomery Ave, Bethesda Md 20814 - E-mail:

National Registry of Homeowner Associations
A public service site established to alert everyone to the potential dangers of homeowner associations, help make homeowner associations accountable for their actions, warn potential buyers of overly oppressive homeowner associations.
LAW FOR ALL... regarding homeowner associations. Other legal issues can be searched from

On The Commons
with Shu Bartholomew.. Your weekly one hour show dedicated to discussing the many issues surrounding mandatory HOAs.. the fastest growing form of residential development in the US. 2:00-3:00 PM (ET) WEBR.. channel 37 on your cox cable service and on the net.

Property Rights Foundation
Defends Our Vanishing Property Rights. "Those who would trade their essential Liberty for a perceived temporary Security deserve neither Liberty nor Security" --Benjamin Franklin
Lobbying The State Legislature Is The Only Effective Way To Return Property Rights Back To The Property Owner!

Promoting Harmony in the Community Associations of the World. Regenesis provides innovative planning strategies and practical resources for condominiums, townhouses, co-ops, co-housing, homeowner associations and other community associations.

SHORN! (Secure Homeowners Rights Now)
A Florida organization dedicated to protecting the legal rights of homeowners (and condominium owners) who live under association rules.

Dedicated to troubleshooting a large variety of topics.


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