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Essay Help

Yes, you’ve found it! The only even SEMI-serious page in this site!

You’ve read the book, you’ve studied its “meaning,” and now, it’s time... To write an essay over Heart of Darkness. Believe it or not, this has been found to be a very important part of the recovery process. However, it has also been found that it is a more effective part of the process if some help is provided. So that’s what this page is for. We will provide some symbolism help, some close-reading questions and short answers for them, and some ideas on how to go about writing Heart of Darkness essays. We will not- REPEAT: WILL NOT- provide essays to be copied and turned in. As stated before, this is an important step in the recovery process, and it would be disastrous to skip it. So, without further ado...

You'll probably be seeing a lot of it.

Essay Help (this time for real!)

Some boring information on the Author.

Some may not find this boring, and it MAY help w/ essays- we're not sure, but better safe than sorry, eh?

Symbolism in Heart of Darkness

This is a major part of Heart of Darkness, if our English teacher is to be believed, so we figured, "Why not?" The info here is taken off of the notes one of our friends (thanks lots, you know who you are) meticulously took, and CAN be of use to several people, just depends on what the essay is about.

Some Close-Reading Questions

This is the very main part of the essay help section. It is a list of close-reading questions to help focus your mind on certain ideas and thoughts involved in HOD. At least, that's what it's intended to be. This part also relies heavily on the notes of our good friend, so thanks again (you still know who you are)!

You'll probably be seeing a lot of it.
