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Scorpio 'The Scorpion' 
Intensely emotional people, hypersensitive in their reactions to everyone and everything, but also very analytical. 
Flower associated with Scorpio 
Scorpios are intensely emotional people, hypersensitive in their reactions to everyone and everything around them. Intuition is very highly developed in this type; add to this the fact that Scorpios have a very analytical type of mind, very strong will power, an iron determination to succeed in whatever they do. 

Scorpios can be secretive, like their namesake, but what they keep under cover they do so because of their sensitivity to other people’s reactions. They take pains to hide their feelings for fear of being thought weak or foolish for displaying them. When they become very angry, their self restraint breaks down, and the result can be as catastrophic for them as for the people against whom their wrath is directed. Yet, it is what Scorpios say rather than do that leaves the object of their attack in a state of collapse. The Scorpios’ sting is in its tail, and what Scorpio says when angry cannot easily be forgiven or forgotten. 

Scorpios are ‘loners’ by instinct, not because they are naturally unsociable, but, since they arouse such powerful reactions in other people for no good reason, they are forced to be defensive. Scorpios can, figuratively, kill the love that others feel for them by becoming too possessive towards partners, family and friends. For when they do become involved with anyone, they become very deeply involved indeed; and the need to feel emotionally secure in such relationships lead them to reconcile themselves to the fact that they cannot entirely monopolize the affection others have to give. 

Very often, you will find that Scorpio are ‘the power behind the throne’, and quite willing to allow others to take credit for what they achieve. For Scorpios do not put much value on public recognition of their talents; for them, it is sufficent to know what they have achieved perfection in what they set out to do, and they will so continue. 

Careers for Scorpios? Obviously those that enable them to make the best use of a high degree of intelligence plus a capacity for hard work. Scorpios may be secretive by nature, yet their work reveals much that has previously been obscure, misunderstood, or that people have hitherto been oblivious of. 

Scorpio is the sign of the zodiac most associated with sex; and it is true that most Scorpios have a very powerful sex drive. However, do not take this to mean that Scorpio is promiscuous. To Scorpio, the sex act is much more than physical act: it is a symbol of a complete spiritual and mental as well as physical affinity between two people of different gender. Scorpio has a reverential attitude to it for this reason. That is why Scorpios suffer so deeply if they discover that their partner has been unfaithful; the relationship is irrevocably damaged, for they cannot forget, even if they manage to forgive, this act of betrayal. 

Though Scorpios form very powerful likes and dislikes, they can be objective about the people with whom they are not in affinity. Even if they cannot ‘take to’ the person concerned, they will respect his or her good qualities. This is one of the ways in which the conflict between mind and feeling show itself in Scorpios.


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