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The ][-][ //-\\ ][\][ S (()) ][\][ Realm

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Welcome to the Hanson Realm! I hope you enjoy it, it means alot to me! I've worked hard and put alot of time into this page to make it reflect what I really feel.
I created it so people can know my thoughts and feelings, no matter how weird they are, on the coolest/hottest (that's a contradicting sentence) band to rock this world since...well, since no band before it.
I don't know much about this stuff, I just wing it as I need to. I've had a bunch of people help out and encourage me.
Melissa, I just want to say thanx for everything, your ideas are always helping me to make it better.
Before you go please, please, please, sign my Guest Book!
It's awfully empty even though I've had a bunch of people stop by, so PEOPLE! sign it please, so I can know who all has been here! Just whatever you do, keep it clean, I'd hate to have to delete a brand new entry cuz the language bites big time! :)
Click Here To Make Me Very Happy!
Newest Updates

Updates! Finally! Lol. far...only my new story, actually not even Hanson, it's about Nsync. Find that under the story page.
What do ya'll think of Tay and Ike's new haircuts? Album release date April 25th? Not soon enough :) But I'll wait.
Oh! Something cool, some pictures of a birthday party I was at, I only scanned in I think six or seven pictures, but view them here! Check them out :)
I'm planning some MAJOR updates to the page, as soon as i get the time I'm hoping to out them into effect :) So keep an eye out and I'm sorry for any and all broken links! I want to make this page even better This Time Around! (ok, that was beyond silly! lol)

"I hate it when people say Hanson sucks...Hanson does NOT suck. They proved that at the Grammy's they can rock..face it people, bow down to Hanson, they rock and will be around alot longer than most..."
Stephan Jenkins
(Third Eye Blind's lead singer)

~*~*~Links To Areas Of My Realm~*~*~

Hanson Stuff

"Solar System Hanson"
Which is the info pages
What The Stars Think
Famous people speak out on Hanson
Family pictures, some exclusive pictures, and many from "Weird"
Midis really. All sorts of Hanson songs, as well as a few covers and non-Hanson songs
MMMBop word for word, and some interpretations of songs, plus normal lyrics


An assortment of Hanson and non-Hanson quotes
A few articles that I've writting for a newsletter
Eight Hanson stories, two hosted Hanson stories
Poems and Other
A place for Hanson, non-Hanson poems and short writings

Marikit and Melissa

How and Why
Three stories on the how and why we love Hanson
A little bit extra on the maker of this page
Info on my Yahoo club called Tay H's Scream Squad
Fan Art
What it sounds like
Our friends, and why they are our friends.

The Realm

Have a Hanson page and wanna win my award?
Won Awards
The awards that have been given to The Realm
The Realm Meaning
A little explo on what makes this realm, a realm.
Rocked My Realm
Something downcast, but a reminder of the world we live in
Please sign the guestbook, it'll only take a minute and it would mean alot to me


My page dedicated to the former back-up player of Hanson
A look behind the scenes, and a explanation for my Youth Pastor.
My little letter for Chuck, an awesome leader in my youth group
Other Realms
Links to some of the best, and my fave, Hanson pages.

Sister Site
Heyo! I have a sister site! T_Town and I have joined up to make a new site! It's called the 'Alternate Hanson Realm' and it's taking form right now as you read this! Go To This Link Right Here to check it out! Sign the guestbook too! Taynx!
The RedSal Appreciation Society

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Go here for information.

I joined this webring because I truly enjoy many midi's that Redsal has composed, they are wonderfully made, and I hope to be adding some non-Hanson midi's that he has also composed sometime in the near future.

The Hanson Hotel WebringThe Hanson Hotel WebringThe Hanson Hotel Webring
This Hanson Hotel Webring site owned by Marikit Schwartz.
Ring Manager: soundscene
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