Greg Soles Great HomePage!!
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Gregs Great HomePage!!

Welcome to my Homepage!

This is my first real attempt at something like this, so I'm afraid it'll have to do 'till I get a few appropriate skills.

Hi to anyone who is adventurous enough to actually visit here. It'll get better real fast, I promise!

Are you bored with life? Does it lack a certain something?

If so then it looks like you need to go here...
(If it's early, then you should wait 'till about 2.30 - 3am)
Trust me, this is good advice.
If that is the case don't read it now, come back later.

I'm an avid gamer, and these are my faves at the moment...

WOW!! Check it out!! I have a chat room!
Wanna go there?? Go on... You can tell me... I bet you do! Just whack in a crazy name!!
This is where you stick your crazy name ---> CRAZYNAME:

Please!! Take a small amount of time to sign my guestbook!!
In doing this, you will be solely responsible for causing me to become *EXTREMELY* ecstatic!! This is good for your soul, and great for my health... For it I will thank you. :)

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

If you've never been to the Center for the Easily Amused (C*E*A) then you are missing out on a large and important chunk of the Net AND your life!!!
I recommend you go there right after you have explored my page and signed my guestbook!! Heh heh heh.... I like my guest book...

These guys have my thanx for the *FREE* space for this page.
If you ever have the hankerin' for your own page, give 'em a visit!!

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages

These are the chaps who gave me my guestbook. *Ta muchly!*
Neat, dreamy type guestbooks... What more can I say!!

People have been here since Tuesday, Nov 11, 97, including you!!
(Yes, this does make you special...)

You wanna talk to me??
You want to contact the Master of this page??
So what are ya waiting for?? Whack the button, reach out, and touch me Baby!