Hosted by: John Michaliszyn





This event begins shortly after Nats06 registration.  Trophies and prizes await winners!


How it works:


1.                  Register for this special event with a one-time $5.00 fee.

2.                  Receive a special badge indicating that you are a "SEEKER of SOULS" and that you may approach anyone who is also wearing the same badge and challenge him/her to a Redemption® Type 1 2-Player game. (YOU MAY NOT APPROACH ANYONE DURING A REGULARLY SCHEDULED TOURNAMENT EVENT!).  Games must be  done before or after regular Tournament play at the dorm, hotel or at down times in the free play areas or recreation rooms,etc.

3.                  Upon game registration you will each receive 10 plain lost souls that are unique to you. This is what you risk as a "chip" card when you play another participant in this special event once you and your challenger show each other a UNIQUE CHIP LOST SOUL and you confirm they have a legal Type 1 Deck (Yes, you need to exchange decks and count lost souls).  You then begin to play a fun game.  The winner receives the loser’s special ‘unique lost soul’ card. You can only win one lost soul from any participant. You can only give up one of your ‘unique lost souls’ and  NOT one you've already won from someone else.

4.                  During  lunchtime on July 29, 2006,  we will call in all SEEKERS OF SOULS and count all lost souls collected. The participant with the most Lost Souls won ADDED to the number of own lost souls he/she has left will be our "ULTIMATE SEEKER OF SOULS".  If any participant runs out of their own lost souls before lunchtime on July 29, they can no longer challenge anyone else to a game because they will have no Lost Soul chip cards left to risk. They must hand in the Lost Souls they have won at lunchbreak on July 29th  and see if they qualify to be a winner.






This event begins Friday night after Tournaments.  Trophies and prizes await winners!


How it works:


Pick a partner.  You and your partner will play a team game against another pair to an eight (8) Lost Soul victory.   This tournament has been play-tested it and its rules likewise posted on the EzBoard.   This event is FREE.



1.                  Standard type 1 deck construction.

2.                  All games are played using Rescuer's Choice special rule.

3.                  Condition for WIN:  First team to rescue 8 lost souls.

4.                  Your partner is never considered you opponent for game play and special ability applications.

5.                  You and your partner have one (1) common Land of Redemption.

6.                  There are no other common areas (i.e. no common land of bondage, territory, artifact pile, etc.)

7.                  You may not begin a rescue attempt, battle challenge nor Lost Soul defense for your partner.  (The Darkness must be used to supercede this ruling).

8.                  The player with the most Lost Souls in any player’s Land of Bondage begins the game. In a tie situation a die roll determines who goes first, even when it involves a tie between partners).

9.                  Seating arrangement is mandatory --- partner-opponent-partner-opponent.

10.             You may play appropriate enhancements for your partner on his Hero/Evil Character during any rescue or defense. He has to ask for your help first, by saying “Can you help me?”  Your only response must be either “Yes” or “No”. Then he decides whether to accept your help or not.

11.             All must follow rules of Initiative as in any other Redemption® game.

12.             NO TABLE TALK.

13.             No asking for specific cards or dominants.

14.             It is up to you to determine the best course of action and know the probabilities of what type of help your partner may provide.

15.             No looking at your partner’s hand, not even to ask what his hand consists of.  Doing so shall be ground for team disqualification.

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