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"I was at an airport and there were these two young oriental girls with short skirts and these two enormous Middle Eastern guys, and I thought, this is an unlikely pairing. One of the girls literally had something in her ear that was probably cotton but looked like chewing gum, and I had this vile fantasy: She's putting it in her ears so she doesn't have to listen to all the shit this guy's telling her. So the story turned into a guy and his mail-order bride and he never gives her anything. Then I saw this TV program about literacy programs in certain parts of the world where one faction argued that they were only being taught words that made sense in terms of the other's propaganda, to manipulate them, I thought, 'God, what a warped thought.' I reduced it to this personal thing where the guy only tells her the words he wants to hear back. By the way, do you recognize the second horn riff the Dirty Dozen plays in that song? It's a little fragment of 'Koko', really slowed down. Kind of turning jazz snobbery back on itself." [Musician Magazine, 1989] chewing gum With their cardboard hands by their sides here's a naked man and lady And they're yours to cut out and keep So you can dress them up maybe They don't know just who they are or who they're supposed to be You can make them happy or sad Or assume their identity So here they are in the departure lounge It's the "Gateway to the East" She is just another mail-order bride She doesn't know he's a kinky beast So he gives her a picture of Maradona and child She wants to "roll and rock" As he spills his beer over her bumps and he grinds as he repeats "Bang-Cock" Chorus There must be something that is better than this It starts with a slap and ends up with a kiss Begins with you bawling and it ends up in tears Oh my little one, take that chewing gum out of your ears She might as well be in the jungle She might as well be on the moon He's away on a business trip in Dusseldorf but she's becoming immune To the lack of glamour and danger in a West German city today The nearest she comes to the "Dynasty" he promised her Is a Chinese takeaway (chorus) Though he only taught her three little words, it doesn't matter if they're dirty or clean He can only control what they look like He can never possess what they mean Now he wants to whisper in her ear All the shrinking nothingness But something always comes between them, I wonder if you can guess (chorus)