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Hello and welcome to this page about me... hopefully I will not bore those of you so kind enough as to learn more about me.



my info

My name is Dianne, I was born November 18, 1980, in St.Louis MO where I've lived all my life and am currently attending school at St. Louis University (SLU).

My tentative major is communications with a tentative minor in Spanish (i'm a tentative person).

I have one brother who's 22 that also goes to SLU, a cat and a dog, and hopefully I will one day have a pet frog.

A few more personal notes about me... my favorite band is Pearl Jam, I think that they are absolutely amazing. Other favorites of mine include 311, U2, silverchair, the Mayfield Four, Moist, Green Day, Octavia, Oasis, Sponge, Fuel, Beastie Boys, Backstreet Boys, and many more. One of my very favorite things to do is go to concerts.


I love sports, particularly soccer, baseball, and volleyball. I recently took up racquetball with my friend Maggie, but that's a completely different story (just make sure you don't walk in while we're playing on our knees, hahaha...).

I'm a member of the Milarepa fund, as well as some fan clubs (Ten Club is the best!). I love to read also, I don't have a favorite book though... there are so many good ones.

My ICQ# is 26695081, my aol name is pjlurve- feel free to add me- or email me

Enough about me.. on this page you'll find links to see my concertography (the concerts I've been to and will attend in the future), a section on my friends (to be up soon), and a section full of photos of me and all my lurved ones.

pictures | main page | guestbook| octavia | diego´s

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