Jason's Film Page

OKAY, So I'm actually getting round to putting something up here.
It did look okay at one stage, but then I had a little accident, and then there was nothing here.  But now I've finally decided to recreate it.

Well I suppose I should begin by listing some favorite films.
Here goes, in no particular order, A bunch I would rate 10/10:

Taxi Driver
A Clockwork Orange
Wild at Heart
Simple Men
Apocalypse Now
The Unbelievable Truth
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Blue Velvet
Jean De Florette
Wings of Desire
Breaking the Waves
Cool Hand Luke
Lost Highway
Easy Rider
Midnight Cowboy
Hold Me,  Thrill Me,  Kiss Me
Jesus of Montreal
Dog Day Afternoon
Life is Sweet
Heavenly Creatures
Runaway Train
The Vanishing (original, not the Hollywood remake)
Glengarry Glen Ross
The Graduate
On The Waterfront
The Godfather
The Godfather II
Secrets and Lies
Raining Stones
The King of Comedy
Crazy Love
Twin Town
The Ice Storm

Obviously there are a few more, but ones memory is not perfect.  Actually it's a longer list than I expected.

Well I guess most of you folk will be saying, "Where's ...".  Sorry but it was just not good enough.

And now for the expected rant about what sucks in cinema.  Well I will begin with my most hated man in movies - Quinten Tarin-fucking-tino.  This cunt is nothing but a fucking rip-off toss that has absolutely no originality whatsoever.  Just go watch "City on Fire" to see what i mean.  I will admit that I haven't seen Jackie Brown, and probably wont, but none the less, Tarintino sucks.  Pulp Fiction was a load of crap, and even worse, it made no hoper actors like Travolta popular.  What a fucked world we live in.
I really hate all these Tarantino kiddies, I'm just glad that they've all found South Park and maybe Tarintino will finally be recognized as a fucked director, with virtually no film writing skills.  Maybe if we're all lucky he'll realize that he was just a fad, get depressed and blow his fucking brains out.
But then we'd be stuck with a buck of pre-pubescent tossers wearing RIP Quentin T-shirts.  And all the RIP Kurt tossers could laugh at them, not realizing how fucking stupid they are themselves.  And then wankers like me could get upset about it and be forced to type a heap of crap here about how fucked people are.
Man, it really is a fucked up world isn't it.

Email: j_mccracken@email.com