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"Of All The Things I`ve Lost...I Miss My Mind The Most"

"Respect Mah Authori-Tois!!!"

Hey...welcome to my page...I know it ain`t much...but who cares what you think...hehehe(*_*)...Just kidding...When I have time(which is never), I`ll update this page some more...but for now....have fun(don`t be too scared of the horrible pictures...they don`t bite...hehehe)(*_*)!!!

Yes...That picture up above is me...I know what you`re thinking...DAMN he is young...hehehe...(*_*)

Hey Hey Hey...Well here is my new page...I know the pics can get TOO DAMN SCARY and might scare all the members off...hehehe (*_*). suing if you have any nightmares?!

My view and opinions...I know my views and opinion don`t mean diddly-squat but what the hell...this is my page so *Ppppllllllllllllllhhhh* :oP

A little bit about...well...ME!!! Well...I was born on a cold cold...Awww who am I kidding. Hi...My name is Dzi, pronounced as "Z" and not “dizzy”(no I am not blonde) or “disease”(Don’t play around like that….too much). I was born and bred in the great state of Oklahoma(yes...the bombing state). By the way...OKLAHOMA FOOT BALL RULES...NATIONAL CHAMPS 2000 BABY…Going for another in 2003-2004 season…Whoo-hoo!!!...But enough of this. People tell me I`m a simple guy, which I agree. I`m easy going and laid back…I guess. I`m 6`0 and am bigger than a lot of asians that I know. I used the nick LidoAznBoy because as you can tell, I ain`t little at all(in more ways than one...hehehe Just Kiddng!!!)(*_*). My hobbies include car performance and audio(I mean take it from a guy that has a 2000+ watts stereo system). I also love sports...I love anything physical(if ya know what I mean (~_*)). I am a sports fanatic...I mean I even watch golf for God`s sake. I also just love to sit in my house turn on my CD player and read a book...Just because I`m from Oklahoma...I do know how to read...I just don`t buy magazines to look at the pictures(well depends on what TYPE of magazine it is...hehehe). I also love clubbing, hanging out with friends(like playing pool or going to the local coffee house or just a bar or restaurant to have a couple of beers). Like I said I think I live a simple life...DON`T I???

My thoughts on life. My momma always said, life was like a box of choco...WHAT AM I SAYING!!!...You all have heard the line before(*_*). I live my life to the fullest. I try to have fun in life and I try to break a smile to all that is around me. I`m sorry but to me...I do not know when I`m going to die. I mean I can walk out of work tomorrow and get bit by a rabid squirrel and kick the bucket for all I know so I try to make the most out of life. I try to help people as much as I can and still and I try to make at least one person laugh a day. There is nothing more fulfilling in life than making someone laugh. I try not to stress and I try not to let things bother me. And if anyhthing does bother me, I try to kick it in the @ss and get on with my life. The only thing I worry about in life is "HEY WHAT`S FOR DINNER???"...hehehe(*_*)

Friends and Family. There is nothing more precious in life than friends and family. Without friends or family...the world is one lonely place ain`t it??? And I love my family and friends with all my heart and soul. I would give my life for anybody that is close to me and I swear that. F*ck with my family & friends ya be f*cking with me...Believe that(Damn I sound mean...Like a regular Dirty Harry even...hehehe)(*_*). But yeah...I love my family and friends.

Now welcome to my Journal(Yeah...everyone gets the privilege of hearing me b!tch and whine and find out that I have no freakin` life....hehehe(~_*)...Oh Well!!!) Last Updated 10/28/2003

October 28, 2003: Guess whose back…back again…My @ss is back…tell a friend…I’m playing…It’s been a while since I last showed my face up in this mo-fo so I though I needed to clean some sh!t up. Well I enjoyed my ?? birthday a couple of weeks ago & it was great…I don’t remember really what happened but all I know is there was a lot of booze, people, & drinking non-stop from 7:00pm till 5:00am the next morning…I went home with 2 different socks & I still can’t find my belt…hehehehe. This weekend marks the 98th meeting between my beloved Sooners against in state rivals…The Oklahoma State Cowboys…I feel a victory coming on for the Sooners & more celebratory (is this a word???) drinking & partying this weekend.

Well Here are my pics like I promised...I know...Scary...AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!...N-E-Ways...Enjoy...I'll put more up when I have the time...Any comments or suggestions...KEEP THEM TO YA'SELF!!!...Just kidding..Let me no...I'm always up to some advice.

(*_*) LOVE YA!!!(*_*)

Wanna E-mail me? Just Click on the box --->

Giving My Kisses to All Ya`ll...Thanx

O.K...Here is my Picture part of this Page...Damn...say that 3 times fast...hehehe...Remember...They are only Pictures so they Can`t hurt you...(*_*) (It might take sometime since there are a few so keep your britches on…Patience is a virtue…But in my case…It’s a pain the arse…hehehehe)

Family is what makes the World goes round…

Hi…my name is Bond…James Bond(*_*)

This is me Mummsy & me Daddsy & of course…Their “Lido Boy”

This is the person I love most in the world...This is the person that gave life to me and the person I cherish...My mother (*_*)

My Mom & Dad…Again…

Confused between “taste great” or less filling”…Now where are the Miller Cat Fight Girls when you need them???

Chu Thanh Di Ha va Cac Em

Chu Binh Di Dung va Cac Em

Chu Dung Di Han va Cac Em

Here is a picture of the "C.I.C. Posse"..."Chinks in Control"...hehehe...More Like "Four Stooges" huh?...(*_*)...Here Ya Got(from left to right) Shemp(Ho-Jo), Moe(Trong), Curly(Sonny-G), and Larry(Tuan)...Taken on our Las Vegas trip

My Buuuuuudddddiiiieeeessss!!!

Gamblers Anonymous…Easter Picnic 2003

Dai & Tho…Enjoying the Sun…Dai, you don’t need anymore tanning…Easter Picnic 2003

No more Taco Bell for you people, where is the bathroom anyways???…Easter Picnic 2003

People looking for homes…Anyone want to adopt us???…Easter Picnic 2003

Binh & Dung…Easter Picnic 2003

Big Boss Man “Dai Ca”…Easter Picnic 2003

Chillin’ @ a friend’s apartment…Easter Picnic 2003

Brother Nghi…Leadership Camp 2003

Look it’s a bird…It’s a plane…No…It’s a “Rabbit”…I’m kidding…The very “sweet” & “cute” Tho…Leadership Camp 2003

Anh Khanh & Tai…The return of the “Blues Brothers”!!!…Leadership Camp 2003

Anh Minh…Carlos Santana’s younger brother…Tinh Tam 2003

Phuc..”I’m here to pump, you up!!!”…Tinh Tam 2003

Juli…Emeril’s long lost daughter “Let’s kick it up another notch!!!”…Tinh Tam 2003

An…”Make love, not war man!!!”…Tinh Tam 2003

”Hey you hooligans…Get off my lawn!!!”…Tinh Tam 2003

Tho, Dai & Thao…Tinh Tam 2003

Anh Minh & Phuong…Tinh Tam 2003

Mountain Climbing at it’s Best!!!…Tinh Tam 2003

Bang Le…”No more for me thanks!!!”…Tinh Tam 2003

Well...That`s It for Now so This Host Is Outtie...I`m Gone...*PooF!!!*(*_*)

Ya`ll come back now...Ya here?!

Sorry Still Under Construction...Thankx