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Dr. Cui Like's Hompage

Picture of Dr. Cui Like
Picture of West Lake in China

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Zhejiang University's Home Page, China
University of Petroleum's Home Page(Beijing), China
University of Petroleum's Home Page(East China), China
Sichuan University's Hompage, China
Inst. of Geophysics, University of Hamburg, Germany
Geoscope Program, Inst. of Geophysics, University of Pierre Et Marie Curie, France
Wright State University's Home Page, USA
IRIS, Dept. of Geophysics, University of Washington, USA
Geoscience Center, Potsdam, Germany
Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University, USA
USA- Today
Yahoo-the Powerful Search Engine
Beijing Institute of Technology's Home Page, China
The Third Military Medical University's Home Page, China
Geology and Geophysics
Computer Science

Cui Like, Ph.D., Associate Professor,

Address:5 Minzu Xueyuan Nanlu,Institute of Geophysics, China Seismological Bureau, Beijing 100081, China.

Tel:(010)68417744-1245(O), (010)64214232(H)

Fax:86-010-68415372,TELEX:221032 IGSSB CN

This page was created on Feb.15, 1998 in Beijing, China by Dr. Cui Like

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B.S.(Mathematics), 1968, Department of Mathematics, Sichuan University ,Chengdu, Sichuan, China. Sichuan University's Hompage, China

M.S.(Geophysics), 1981, Department of Exploration, East China Petroleum Institute(now renamed as University of Petroleum), Beijing&Shandong, China. University of Petroleum's Home Page(Beijing), China
University of Petroleum's Home Page(East China), China

Ph.D.(Image reconstruction), 1996, Department of Life Science and Biomedical Engineering, Zhejiang University, China. Zhejiang University's Home Page, China

Visiting research scholar, 1997, Institute of Geophysics, University of Hamburg,Germany. Inst. of Geophysics, University of Hamburg, Germany
University of Hamburg, Germany
Picture of Institute of Geophysics, University of Hamburg Picture of University of Hamburg

Visiting research scholar, 1997, Institute of Geophysics,University of Pierre Et Marie Curie, Paris, France. Geoscope Program, Inst. of Geophysics, University of Pierre Et Marie Curie, France
University of Pierre Et Marie Curie, France

Visiting research scholar,1998, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, USA. Wright State University's Home Page, USA
Picture of Wright State University

I am going to visit Canada and plan to visit India and other countries. I hope to visit other institutions and to do post doctoral research work or cooperation research. Please contact me by email to

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(Last modified on Nov. 12, 1998 at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, USA)

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