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The Animal Medicines
C thru F
The Animal Its Medicine
The Medicine's Power Strategies
CoyoteTrickster Coyote is sacred. Some call Coyote the Medicine Dog. Some kind of medicine is on its way, and whether good or bad, it will make you laugh, maybe even painfully. Coyote will teach you a lesson about yourself, especially in forgetting to learn from your mistakes. Coyote medicine is in laughter and joking so that new viewpoints may be assumed.
CONTRARY: Jokes may be exploding in your face. Be aware of the intentions of others, look for the boomerang you threw at another person to knock you from behind. There could be deception in the wind. Remember, the joker is always wild!
CrowLaw Crow is an omen of change. Crow lives in the void and has no sense of time. Crow sees simultaneously the three fates - past, present, future. Pause and reflect on how you see the laws of the Great Spirit in relation to the laws of humanity. Crow medicine signifies a firsthand knowledge of a higher order of right and wrong than that indicated by the laws created in human culture. Be willing to walk your talk, speak your truth, know your life's mission, and balance past, present, and future in the now.
CONTRARY: Don't be an outlaw or be thinking that promises are made to be broken. If you are lying to yourself on ANY level, you have lost the power of Crow. Honor the past as your teacher, honor the present as your creation, and honor the future as your inspiration.
DeerGentleness Deer teaches us to use the power of gentleness to touch the hearts of minds of wounded beings. Love others the way they are, don't push for change. Apply gentleness to your present situation to gain serenity and the Great Spirit will guide you.
CONTRARY: Find things to love about yourself and others and your demons will melt away. Your fears cannot exist in the same place that love and gentleness abide.
DogLoyalty The message that Dogs are trying to give you is that you must delve deeply into your sense of service to others. Dog medicine asks you to look at how readily your sense of loyalty is countermanded by your need for approval. If you carry Dog Medicine, you will usually be serving others or humanity in some way.
CONTRARY: Have you become mean or critical because of the company you are keeping? Stop cowering in fear, the fear of not belonging or of not being approved of. Reclaim the power of loyalty to self and self truths. Become your own best friend.
DolphinManna Manna (spiritual nourishment) is life force. Manna is present in every atom, and is Great Spirit's essence. Dolphin teaches us how to use life-manna through our breath. You are to be a link to some solution for the Children of Earth. It is a time when you are to link with Great Spirit and bring answers to your own questions or to those of others. Be mindful of your body rhythms and the patterns of energy being fed to you from the Creator. Ride the waves of laughter, spreading joy in the world. Break existing barriers and connect to the Dreamtime or Great Star Nation.
CONTRARY: You are forgetting to breathe. Focus on releasing old breath at the bottom of your lungs and refilling your respiratory system with regenerative manna. Breathe from the diaphram and fill the lungs to capacity. Then exhale from the chest to the belly, allowing your body to totally relax as you breath out. Also, many signals are carried through the universal tides or waves, and you may be failing to use your sonar. To detect these wave-patterns you may need to realign yourself with natural rhythms within your body. Then it is necessary to use the Dolphin breath to connect to universal awarenesses and signals. Dolphin says to dive deeply into the water, to play by the coral reefs, and to discover the beauty of the rhythm of breath.
DragonflyIllusion Dragonfly medicine always beckons to you to seek out the parts of your habits which you need to change. You may have forgotten to water your plants, you may need to give thanks to the foods you eat for sustaining your body, it may be time to break down the illusions you have held that restrict your actions or ideas. Have you put on too much weight, or neglected your appearance? If you feel the need for change, call on Dragonfly to guide you through the mists of illusion to the pathway of transformation. Apply the art of illusion to your present question or situation. Things are never completely as they seem.
CONTRARY: Have you changed because someone else wanted you to? Misery is a prime clue that you bought into someone else's idea or who or what you should be. The illusion was that you would be happier if you did it their way. Follow Dragonfly to the place inside your body where magic is still alive, and drink deeply of its power. This ability is ever changing, and contains within it the knowledge that you are creating it all.
EagleSpirit Eagle medicine is the having power in the realm of the Great Spirit, yet remaining balanced in the realm of Earth. The trials of experiencing the lows in life, as well as the highs, is what earns you the right to use the essence of Eagle medicine. Eagle teaches you to look higher and see the beauty in shadows as well as in light.
CONTRARY: You have forgotten your power. Heal yourself with love. Build your nest on higher ground where the air is clean and the movement free. Fast and pray. Seek lofty ideals.
ElkStamina Elk medicine teaches you to pace yourself to increase your stamina. Honor the company of your own gender to air your feelings in safety and receive feedback. Maintain an equilibrium of energy over the distance you plan to cover. Replenish yourself with vitamins or high-energy foods and some personal quiet time.
CONTRARY: Be careful of undue stress levels. Honor your desire for companionship of the opposite sex. To reach your goals, stop when you need to, persist when you need to, allow room for change.
FoxCamouflage f Fox has chosen to share its medicine with you, it is a sign that you are to become like the wind, which is unseen yet is able to weave into and through any location or situation. Keep silent about who and what and why you are observing. Fox medicine teaches the art of Oneness through its understanding of camouflage, on all levels, from rocks to God. You are being asked to see all types of uses for Oneness.
CONTRARY: Someone may be watching you and trying to figure out your next move. Also, you are put on notice to be aware of apathy and self-induced boredom. Find what excites you, scurry across your dulled senses and LIVE. You may have become too visible. If so, back off, be invisible. Call on Armadillo and name your boundaries. Once out of the line of attack, you can resume the role of being your "fancy" self.
FrogCleansing A Frog medicine person can clean negativity from any environment. The key is to find a way to rid yourself of distractions and to replace the mud with clear energy. Then replenish your parched spirit, body, and mind. This could mean a long, relaxing bath, disconnecting the phone, yelling "stop," or taking in deep, cleansing breaths. Frog speaks of new life and harmony, replenishment, time for yourself, cleansing yourself of any person, place, or thing that does not contribute to serenity and replenishment.
CONTRARY: Wipe the mire from your life. Figure out what is draining your energy and swim away. Or, if you feel waterlogged, take a break from routine. Negativity is drawn to you when you refuse to give yourself the time and space needed to assume a new viewpoint. Stop and smell the lilies, eat some flies, bask in the sun, and "ribbet" until the rain comes to refill your spirits!

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Start Page of the Animal Medicines
Ant, Antelope, Armadillo,
Badger, Bat, Bear, Beaver, Buffalo, Butterfly
Coyote, Crow,
Deer, Dog, Dolphin, Dragonfly,
Eagle, Elk,
Fox, Frog
Hawk, Horse, Hummingbird,
Lizard, Lynx,
Moose, Mountain Lion, Mouse
Opposum, Otter, Owl,
Rabbit, Raven,
Skunk, Snake, Spider, Squirrel, Swan
Turkey, Turtle,
Weasel, Whale, Wolf


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