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Tenkashi Budaki

Available Characters

Ability List

Top 3 Leaders
1) Chibi Trunks

2) Piccolo

3) Freeza

Top 3 Teams
1) Drifters

2) Dominators

3) Mellonheads

Thank you for coming

via e-mail db and dbz rpg

Battle Room

Round Story Club

Number of Members

Joe Meaux's PC Class says hey!!!

September 16th 2002

Eliters, Wasssup! It's my Birthday!!! That's all. I'll be back tomorrow.
See ya when I see ya, JT

september 12th 2002

hey whats up? this chibi krillin we really need to start getting this site more active because its really boring when we don't get to update anyone so please we really need you guys to get more active cause i really want to have a tournament real soon but it wouldn't be much of a tournament if we only had like for people in it now plase get more active piece chibi krillin

September 11th 2002
Eliters, It's a day of reconing, rememberance, and acception. We remember those who dyed in the tragic occurances, the heros who risked their lives to save others, and those who survived. My heart goes out to them all! We all must still move on in our lives, and not let this keep us down! We must all grow inside and become stronger in mind and spirt. So to all of you out there, Eliters unite and rise up, don't let it get you down!!! Parting is such sweet sorrow, so a adew adew untiol the morrow...
See ya when I see ya, JT

September 4th & 5th & 6th 2002
Greeting Eliters! Wasssup! It seems that Adam is our local motivational speaker! Great job! I hope everyone follows in his enthusiasm! We'll get this site back up in no time! Adam & Brian, e-mail me now, and we'll discuss some important issues. All members e-mail me within a week, or we'll clear ya out. In the mean-time I'll work on new scenario bosses, new jobs, and maybe new techniques. Also, Everyone tell me if you wanna keep the round story club or not, we'll probably start a new one though! Eliters, we need your feed back to make the site stronger. And in the near future... I smell a tournament, LOL!!!
See ya when I see ya, JT

September 4th 2002
All of you dedicated player better listen up, I personally have been on this great RPG for over 1 year now, and I must say that it has turned into a sorry sight. It is you, the role players, to take your knowledge and bloodthirst and surge forth to generate more players and then the real battles can restart. If you seriously consider yourself a hardcore fan, you will get of your lazy asses and do something! Those who are believe that they are truly some to the great men or women of role play will e-mail me or JT with their actions.
Until next time player, Adam

August 29, 2002-
Hey! What is up!!! JT is back, and this site is gonna get back up and on it's feet, plus be better than ever before!!! Due to popular demand, I have returned, with my apprentice, Prince Soul, at my side, we will bring a new era! DB-Elite will begin again, and the lime light faded and moderating seemed let flamboiant we still came back because the people count on us, unlike Ty, the fair-weather mod! Now remember this before you just go and take on a new leader, Okay. A dew adew until the morrow Eliters, and...
See ya when I see ya, JT

Same day, different mod
Hello there to all you DB Elite players, You may remember me as Adam, or Tien of the Drifters (they rule). I am also a mod employed be JT some time ago, I only made a few posts, then disappeared. The reason for this is that I have been in hospital numerous times with stomach problems, and I apologise for not being able to contact any of you. I hope that JT will let me stay on and continue to work on the site.
Until next time player, Adam