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Betty's Haven
 My Hinds Family
This is another picture of my uncle George at age 17. He was sure a good and fun uncle. One time he had a Studebaker "Teraplane" (I think it was called) car and called it his airplane because he would drive it so fast! I rode in it with him to Tahlequah one time from Cookson and it really "flew" over those dirt roads! He was a great uncle who I wish was still living. I am glad for the many happy memories though.
This is a picture of my grannie Ina and one of her grandsons, ready to go fishing on the Illinois river. She would make up a bunch of  "doughballs" out of meal and use them for fish bait. There was a "cane break" out back of her house where she would get cane poles to fish with. One time I remember we went to the river on past the cane break and camped out all night on the river. We kids slept on a quilt on the ground. The adults fished, probably all night. That was something to awaken the next morning to the sound of fish frying on a camp fire.
My grannie, my cousin and me in 1954 after I married. I am expecting my first child. I was living in AZ but came back to visit in OK. I got to know my grannie better after I grew up and had children of my own. I miss my grannie. She died in 1977 in CA.
 This is a picture of my aunt Nora, my Great aunt Aggie, sister of grannie Ina and my mom, Dollie.
Nextfor more old pic's, check out the tractorBullet and Fannie Cookson in one of the pic's
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