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Betty's Haven
Greenleaf Cemetery
Information and my personal writings

Betty Sanders Spencer
Daughter of Edward Jerry Sanders and granddaughter of Lewis J. Sanders
In 1942 when Camp Gruber was being developed, several old cemeteries were relocated to Greenleaf cemetery, southwest of Tahlequah. The cemetery property was part of the Hendricks property where there is a Hendricks cemetery. I have been told the old Hendricks homeplace was located just South of here. It would have been across highway 62. (Of course there was no highway 62 back in those days.) Greenleaf cemetery wraps around Hendricks cemetery on three sides in a horseshoe shape. I have made my cemetery book and sectioned off the cemetery into seven parts which I call the Southwest, West center, Northwest, Southeast, East center, Northeast and Extended northeast. The cemetery is shaped like a rectangle with an extended arm of land. As you go in the front (South) gate you will see a little center road running North and South. To the left (West) is the Southwest section running up to the little road that turns (about 1/3 of the way) West off of the main little middle road. On the right after going in the gate, is the Southeast section which runs up about 1/3 way to a little road going East from the little center road. The next section north of the little side road on the West is called the West Center section and it runs up near the big trees and just past the above ground vault. A little way North of the vault is where the Northwest section starts and runs all the way to the North end. Back to the little road on the East side just North of the Southeast section is where the East center section starts and runs up to the Conrad graves opposite and just North of the above ground vault. Then starting at the Conrad graves is the Northeast section and it runs all the way to the North end. Then off to the East of the Northeast section and North of the Hendricks cemetery is where the Extended Northeast section is. There are a lot of graves here in this cemetery. But what makes this cemetery so interesting is the fact of it having so many old cemeteries relocated here in 1942. All the graves you find dated that died before 1942 have been moved here from other old cemeteries.The others have been buried here. Below is some interesting information which I have found out about them as I explore some of them and talk to old timers and whoever will talk to me and tell me information. There are probably more than eighty graves of my relatives here in this cemetery. My great, great grandparents, (Rachel Raincrow and William and Mary Baufman Hinds) grandparents, (Lewis and Maud Parson Sanders) parents, (Jerry and Dollie Dazzler Sanders), sister, (Lillian Sanders James) son, (Jerry Spencer) and so many other cousins, aunts, uncles and kinfolk. My daughter, Kathy Spencer is not buried here but I have a memory stone for her by her brother and her grandparents and aunt. The old cemeteries which were relocated to here are; (keep in mind there are a lot of unknowns that have been moved here from the various cemeteries, some marked with only rocks, some not marked at all anymore.)
Southwest Section;
Amber Hall -
In the Southwest section from both sides of the little center road and along the South end of the cemetery for three rows from the little road on the East side and six rows from the little road on the West side. I have been to the old Amber Hall cemetery. There are some holes still there where the graves were moved from. It is located on what used to be the old Amp Hall place east of the old Yellow Hammer school site. There are some real old cedar trees in the original old cemetery.
Sleeper -
In the Southwest section on rows five, six, seven and eight from the little center road and just north of a few of the Amber Hall graves.  This old Sleeper cemetery was located on the Muskogee county side on what is now Camp Gruber property. It was Northeast of Braggs.
Indian -
In the Southwest section starting about row five just North of the Sleeper graves and going West and North on rows six, seven and eight, then rows ten, eleven and twelve starting at the South end of the rows. Row twelve runs along side the West fence. It was located right by the old Brewer (Boudinot cemetery, mentioned below) cemetery, but it had a big rock wall surrounding it.
West Section;
Brewer -
In the West section part of rows one and two from the little road and row one on the east side of the little road in the East section. The above ground vault is from there I think. Only a few graves moved here from it. Some elderly men who used to live in the area told me it was located north of Braggs on Boudinot creek and the locals called it "Boudinot cemetery". This is on the Muskogee County side where Camp Gruber took the land in 1942.
Northwest Section;
McCracken -
In the Northwest section all rows from the little center road and graves in a few of the rows in East Center section close to the little center road and Northeast section close to the little road are from McCracken cemetery. It was located just inside the Cherokee county line on the bank of Big Greeleaf creek. Just north of McCracken ford where Greenleaf creek makes a bend. I have been to that old cemetery and there is part of the old gate hinge still hanging on an old tree. I was told the gate was on the west side of the cemetery and there was a place just inside the gate where they could have a little service. My grandparents, Lewis and Maud Parson Sanders were buried to the right after going in the old gate along the west side. I have been told that is where some of the Hinds were buried too. Henrietta Hinds was sister to Lewis Sanders.
Southeast Section;
Amber Hall -
Most of Amber Hall is located in the Southwest section but rows one, two and three from the little center road on the south end of Southeast section have some from Amber Hall. (See info about Amber Hall above in the Southeast Section.)
Greenleaf - Old original Greenleaf
In the Southeast section starting on the south end just north of the Amber Hall graves, of row three and going all the way East on each row, along the south end to next to the last row are some old Greenleaf cemetery graves. I have been to this old cemetery site. It was located on the south side of a little  creek that runs into Big Greenleaf creek. To get to it, go to the top of Battenfield Hill on Black Hollow road and then go North down an old dim road or trail now, and then go down a little hill to the northeast and cross that little creek and there it is. The holes are really deep where they took out the graves. On the way down to it, you pass another old cemetery site before going down to that little creek. It was the old Miller cemetery site I think.
Miller -
Rows four, six, seven, eight and nine just north of the old Greenleaf cemetery graves. I have been to the old Miller cemetery and seen old flowers growing in the Spring where the graves used to be. The holes are all filled up but when I was there, the daffodils were growing and were all around one of the graves in the shape of the grave.
Tuxie Ballard -
Rows three, north of the Amber Hall graves, row four, north of the Miller graves. This was a small family grave located on what was the allotted land of Mary Ballard, Tuxie’s wife. It was located off of what is now called Hayfield road. I have been there exploring around the place. It is south of Big Greenleaf creek and on the south side of Hayfield road.
Mull -
Rows six and seven north of the Miller graves. I have been to where I think this old cemetery was located. South of Doc Mull’s old homeplace and store close to Spainard creek that runs into Greenleaf creek. Doc Mull’s old place was located on Pumpkin Center road West of the old Greenleaf school site. The Greenleaf post office  was located there in the 1800’s, run by Oscar Williams I have been told.
East Center Section;
Brewer -
It was a family cemetery with graves in rows one and two in the West center section and in row one in this East center section. See info in West Section.
Ragsdale -
It was a family cemetery on row two in this East center section.  It was located not far from where Whiteoak creek runs into Greenleaf creek, South of Cedar Bluff road on the Ragsdale place.
Lonzo Reynolds -
It was a family cemetery with graves in a few rows in this section. It was located on Lonzo Reynolds place off of Greenleaf road somewhere.
South Ballard -
In rows three, four, six, seven of this East center section are graves from this old cemetery. I have been to where it used to be. It was located just North of Spaniard creek not far from the Muskogee / Cherokee county line and Southeast of the old William “Bill” Ballard place.
North Ballard -
In row ten of this section . It was located on the John J. Ballard place just North of where they lived on the Cherokee county side. I have been close to where it was when I explored the old homeplace there.
There are a few graves here from this cemetery in row seven. I think this stands for Anti Horse Thief Association. I don’t know where it was originally located.
David Sanders -
This was just a family cemetery of three graves on the old Sanders place. It was located off of Black Hollow road on the David Sanders / Caroline Romine Ballard Sanders homeplace. I have been to the property which was my uncle David’s allottment but I don’t know just where on the property the graves were. My cousin John Raincrow told me they had been buried there and moved in 1942 when Camp Gruber took the land.
Northeast Section;
McCracken -
Most of the McCracken graves are in the Northwest section but there are a few graves in this section in rows one and two.  (See info about it in the Northwest section)
Sanders -
In the Northeast section, a few rows east of the McCracken cemetery rows which are in the Northeast section. Rows three and four are the ones from the Sanders cemetery. The old Sanders cemetery was located on the allotted land of Susie Lyman which had gone to Lucy Lyman Sanders who married my uncle Tom Sanders and deeded him the land. It was located just south of Tom Sanders and Lucy Lyman Sanders homeplace south of Greenleaf creek in Cherokee county. Only a few graves were moved from this cemetery.
Bullfrog -
In rows three and four. This old cemetery was located west of the old Pardo church. I have never been able to find the location although I think I have been near there.
Pardo -
In rows four, five and six of this section there are a few graves moved here from Pardo. It was located west of the old Pardo church. I have never found the location of it either. I have been close though.
Raincrow -
Rows five, six, eight and nine are where the Raincrow graves are. I have been to the original old Raincrow cemetery and saw some of the holes where the graves were moved from. Mose Miller was buried in the original old Raincrow cemetery. It was located West of what is now called Burnt Cabin road in the Wildlife Game Management area. It used to be on the Raincrow property land allottment. My cousin John Raincrow used to live just a short distance from the cemetery. He is the one who showed me where it used to be. It is not far from Whiteoak creek. My great
great Grandma Rachel Raincrow was orignally buried there. Her grave was moved to this Greenleaf cemetery in 1942. Her headstone is in the last row of this section.
Mose Miller, the outlaw was buried here. My cousin, John Raincrow told me Mose's grave used to be in the center of the cemetery on a little knoll and used to have a log fence around it.
Extended Northeast Section;
I don't know where the old graves here were from. If anyone knows, please let me know. There are some graves of Fodder and a Silversmith.
A little map;
Northeast   Northeast extended
Front south gate
Highway 62
Next to see the Greenleaf Cemetery pages
Greenleaf poem
Old McCracken poem
Or to Explorings pages
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