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my poetry


Unfavorable lusts

we are stuck at the edge of uncompromising boredom.
who will give the gift of pain in all its empty glory
Razor-sharp underfriendly comfort of being alone.
In a state of sinful intoxication
selfishness comes easy
to the eyes of a lover.
words set and heal in the empty cells of knowledge
The truth seethes out over the borders of my morale.

I am waiting
to be taken
into the state
of commitment ,compromise and union.
how frigid skin becomes when touched by an uncontrollable fire,
with nothing but the future
made definite and discreet
as to the outcome of destiny.




Its late!
The room has evaporated
The room is alive
Dancing shadows of the night
To me it is death
like coming into my erotic bed
weakening my will,
  lessening my pull
     pulling me apart.
             This is loneliness
emptiness in my lonely heart.
Dirty, chaste and oh so vestal
  virgins in the sand.
secondhand and hard
  to control.
listen to yourself turn
   into a rose
          from semen.
confusion likes to infest.




L.A. Weekly
confidential  Truths stand unspoken
crack pushers work on the corner of
Hollywood and Highland,
Smack stands up on Normandy.
          There it cold blend in with the grime
           on the background bricks and walkways
Blend in to hide from the fuzz.

Take your hand from out my thighs, man
                             Always trying
Don't know whether to Choke me or hold me.

L.A. Weekly
Surrounded by Death and disease.
        The dust strains my throat
                 like a bland yellow tourniquet
        My lover,
Corrupt in demise
   This L.A. man
                       Does he love?

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              Questions???????Comments!!!!!!!!!!! anything,       
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