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Application No. 16875 - 3918 - James B. Tyner

Elizabeth Tyner being first duly sworn in behalf of Robert J. Tyner says:

I am about 79 years of age. I was born in Roane Co., but I don't know the state. It was in the east. Applicant gets his Indian Blood through his father, Lewis Tyner. He died in 1878. He was born in the east. He left the east in 1850. Lewis Tyner was my husband and he was a Cherokee Indian. He was enrolled in 1851 but I don't know whether he drew money or not. In coming west, we stopped in Missouri but came to the territory in 1874. I think that Lewis Tyner was a quarteroon. Lewis was born in 1800. I married Lewis in 1847 and he was a tolerably old man at that time. He lived in Hamilton Co., Tenn. before we were married. He lived in Alabama before he moved to Tennessee. Reuben and Nathan were brothers of Lewis. He had another brother who died in the Chickasaw Nation. His name was Jesse and he married a Chickasaw woman. Rueben and one of the other boys came out west as far as Arkansas with the Old Settlers and then moved to this state. Lewis' oldest child, John was born in 1819. I am the second wife of Lewis. He was separated from his first wife and she moved to Arkansas with some of their children. Ruebin died before we came out west in 1850. Hiram was a child of my husband by his first wife. His oldest son was named Ruebin. I think he was born about 1845- he was old enough to be in the Civil War. Susan Tyner is the name of my oldest child and she was born in 1850. I never heard that my husband was enrolled. Never made an affidavit that he was enrolled. I never knew of him receiving any land or money. My husband has always been recognized as a Cherokee Indian. My children never associated with any other tribe of Indians than the Cherokees.

her mark

Elizabeth X Tyner

Subscribed and sworn before me at Muskogee Okla. this 23 day of March 1908

Asst. Special Commissioner
of the Court of Claims

A copy of the case of Jesse T. Tyner vs the Cherokee Nation for allotment of land shows they were rejected by the Dawes Commission for the reasons that the ancestors through whom they claimed was never enrolled. There was a paper annexed proporting to be a copy of Judge Springer on appeal reversing the decision of the commission and allowing the allotment, however the Sec. of the Interior states that the original copy of the decision cannot be found and he would not certify to the copy as being correct. The applicant was never allowed an allotment of land.

James B. Tyner, #3918 s/o Lewis admitted
Susan Tyner Dunham, # 3919 - d/o Lewis admitted
Sarah Bell Reed, # 23295, b. 1872, d/o C. J Dunham & Susan Tyner Dunham -
admitted with 5 children below. (m. 1st J. M. Case, m. 2nd Wm. Reed)
Maud Case 13, b. 1892; Emma Case 11, b. 1894; Robert, 9 b. 1896; Mary, b. 1898;
John, 4 b. 1903.
J. W.(M?) Dunham, # 3292 -s/o Susan Tyner Dunham - admitted
Marcus L. Dunham, # 23293 - " - admitted
John W. Dunham, # 23294 - " - admitted
William Henry Dunham, # 23291 - " - admitted
Fannie Rice , #23287 - d/o Susan Tyner Dunham - admitted
James Rice, #30056 - - admitted


