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Welcome to my Web site. I am grits, an 18-year-old young man out of Florida, and I made this little Web page for you to look at.

You might be asking yourself, "What do I care about some kid who thinks he's so important he has to take up a valuable portion of the World Wide Web?" To that question, I answer, "Go ahead and click the "Back" button on your browser, and return to the last site you came from." Then, in the words of Mr. Hinthorne himself (the GREAT scholar that he is), "Thank You....and have a nice day."

To those of you bored "Web-surfers" who do continue to proceed with learning about me, I aknowledge and praise your willingness to be amazed. Please, feel free to navigate throughout my Web site and learn a few things about me and the things that I am into. Once again, "Thank You....and have a nice day."

X email X                                           There have been friends here.