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Angel's Lair!

Page updated May 2, 2000
Hi! My name is Angela and my nickname is Angel. This is my page and I hope you have a good time exploring the different areas and interests I have.

Have fun! Visit my Awards Page and see what I've won!
Also visit my Graphics Page!!! Just updated March 19, 1999.
And my webring page of course. I need to update a lot of these so be patient. Page of Webrings!

Pages updated April 28, 1999 I work as a coach at the gymnastics center in town. To learn more about gymnastics and my job there go to My Gymnastics Page
I graduated May of 1997. You can see my Senior pic from that summer by clicking here
I will also be studying for a Music Education degree this semester at Eastern Oklahoma State College so of course you can guess that I love music.
You can explore more with music at My Music Page
A page with some fun links related to my interests and hobbies. You know, the things I love to do! Click Here
My newest page, all about swimming and everything I'm involved in as far as being in the water goes. Pretty awesome.....Check it! My Swim Page
Last but not least a page with links to some of my pals' web pages. Click Here I don't have too many yet (page sites I mean) but as soon as I can sit still long enough to get ahold of everyone I'll expand the page.
Now, you've been poking around my pages for awhile and I would appreciate it if you would VOTE for my page. Go Here and type in "/ok/angel19" But only if you truly did like my page.

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If you know of anything that should be added to my page, or to ask for a link you like to be added, or to tell me how wonderful my page is email me below! *grin*

Some good Links: Mostly Web-help kind of links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Hidaho Color Center - Helps you to know the html code for a certain color. Also has links to great pages for graphics and backrounds.
WhoWhere? - The Best Communications Guide on the Web
Matt's Script Archive - Awesome Web Server Scripts
Clip Art Connection - A resource for cliparts and graphics. One of the best I've found yet!
