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Bill Passed

Mr. Reid: submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judicaiary:

S. Res. 193

Whereas approximately 79,000 infants, children, teenagers and young adults die each year in the United State;

Whereas the death of a child is one of the greatest tragedies suffered by a family; and

Whereas support and understanding are critical to the healing process of a bereaved family; Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate--

(1) designated December 13, 1998, as 'National Children's Memorial Day'; and

(2)requests that the President issue a proclamation designation December 13, 1998, as 'Naitonal Children's Memorial Day' and calls on the people of the United States to observe the day with appropriate ceremonies and activities in remembrance of infants, children, teenagers, and young adults who have died.

Mr. REID., Mr President, today I am submitting a resolution that would set aside December 13, 1998 as the 'National Children's Day' to remember all the children who die in the United States each year. While I realize the families of the children deal with the grief of their loss every day, I would like to commemorate lives of these children with a special day as well.

I have had many constituents share their heart wrenching stories with me about the death of their son or daughter. I have heard heroic stories of kids battling cancer or diabetes, and tragic stories of car accidents and drownings. Each of thes families has had their own experience, but they must all continue with their lives and deal with incredible pain of losing a child.

The death of a child at any age is a shatteirng experience for a family. By establishing a day to remember children that have passed away, bereaved families from all over the country will be encouraged and supported in the positive resolution of their grief. It is important to families who have suffered such a loss to know that they are not alone. To commemorate the lives of these children with a special day would pay them an honor and would help to bring comfort to the hearts of their bereaved families.


National Children's Memorial Day

The U.S. Congress has named Sunday December 13th as the official Naitonal Children's Memorial Day.

At 7:00 P.M., in every time zone around the world, candles will be lit in memory of children who have died. As candles burn out in one time zone, they will be lit in another, resulting in 24 hours of continuous candlelight in memory of our children.

Please contact your local newspaper, community leaders, hospitals, schools and churches so that an observance will be held in your town.

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