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University of Otago

The University of Otago is New Zealand's first university, founded in the 1800's. Its very scenic, lots of old gothic type buildings, complete with a stream (called Leith stream) running through it!

The university is not that much different from the Canadian uni's I know of, except that almost all the studenst live on campus in university flats or halls.

For those interested in what I studied, I completed my Masters of Tourism. My thesis contrasted the experience of (existential) authenticity at contrived and natural heritage tourist sites from a postmodern perspective. a mouthful, I know! whats 40,000 words, right????Actually once I finished I had to give a copy for the Otago Library, and someday I want to go there and take it out!

The clocktower building is the oldest and nicest, the clock chimes every half hour, which I can even hear from my place! of course, its only 3 blocks away...

The Commerce Building is home to the tourism and other business departments. Its a bit newer...

The Tourism Annex is an old house renovated to house all the postgraduate student's offices, including mine! the buidling isn't heated though....most offices and some departments are housed in these old houses they renovated to be offices. The best part about the annex, besides the computers we all have and our own desks, but the free use of a kitchen, printer, scanner and cd-burner! woohooo....

And the piece de resistance....My desk!