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Spring in New Zealand!

Spring in New Zealand....lots of lambs, flowers and snow on the are some photos of my trip to the catlins in October, where I stayed at a "real" kiwi bach (pronounced 'batch') which is like a cabin or holiday home, usually on the beach. It had electricity, but the toilet was not attached, like an outhouse. It was 3 rooms, a lounge with a firestove to heat the whole place, a kitchen and a bedroom. Not very attractive, but the view was of the beach, so it was fantastic! It started to snow and then blizzard and we could see the snow falling into the waves, so cool. we woke up to a blanket of snow...on the sand! a whole 5cm, but very rare in that region and on the coast. the only bad thing is thousands of sheep died during the storm, it was 0c and too cold for them. enjoy!

This is the main lounge of the bach, where we slept on the floor and couches and watched the ocean. With me are some kiwi friends from my church

Amy, an expatriot american who married a kiwi from auckland and now lives in Dunedin

A nice walk on the beach, this is me freezing

Nugget Point off in the distance

The "wild" sheep staring at me

sheep enjoying the snow in the front yard...can you see the ocean?

The first few one could believe it was actually snowing, its so rare on the coast, this was the worst snowstorm in 50 years

Yes, thats snow on the sand and all the hills

what spring collection is complete without a lamb? I tried but couldn't get any closer

A real lily in my front yard! its right under my window and its gorgeous

The University grounds are in full bloom, after the dreary and brown winter. these pink and white blossoms are everywhere

a Magnolia Tree, all the trees bloom here, and they look so nice against the old buildings. this is the clocktower building, built in...1860's!

I walk down this path everday, crossing the Leith Stream at the end

This is the Leith Stream, but from further away

These are my absolute favorite flowers...Rhododendrons! I may not be able to say it, but they are soooo pretty, big clusters of red. they even have a festival for them there are so many of these plants