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The Sequel: Part 14

After what Jackie had said to me and Allison at Fluid, we were hoping never to see her again. I was so tired after the night that I had slept until 12:00 PM. We had gotten home at 3:00 AM, so as you can imagine, I was extremely fatigued.

I had just dragged myself off my blue coach and to the freezer where I kept my dark-chocolate covered banana fruit-A-freezes when the doorbell rang. In my pink bathrobe and my hair messily thrown into a ponytail, I opened the door.

“Hey is Gwen home?” said a tall man with the features of a sailor-moon speed racer character.

“Uhh..I’m Gwen,” I said puzzled.

“GWEN! it’s Mark!!” screamed the man ecstatically.

“Mark?!” I yelled, “hi! how have you been, come on in! oh my gosh my hair is such a mess!!”

Hurriedly I ran into my room and pulled on my mint Savvy shirt from BP and my dark denim Z.Cavverechi jeans.

“You’re looking gorgeous as ever,” Mark said as I came out holding a hair brush and my shoes.

“So what have you been up to? When did you get here? Have you talked to Morgan?” I asked.

“Umm...nothing, I got here last Saturday for a conference with this modeling company. And no, I haven’t seen or spoken to Morgan. I’m not planning to,” Mark replied, and then added,” So what do you have planned for this afternoon?”

“Something with you I hope,” I said linking my arm in his and pulling him off the couch.

“Do you have any good restaurants we could go to around here?” Mark asked.

“We could go down to the Beverly Center for a while, I have to pick up the pants I put on hold at Rampage,” I said.

“Ok, that sounds cool,” Mark replied. I went back into the bedroom and finished my hair, make-up, and putting on my white tear drop docs. I stuffed some spare cash in my Kenneth Cole purse and grabbed my keys, another fruit-A-freeze, and Mark’s hand and we jumped in my pink car leaving Mark’s teal viper in my driveway.

After we arrived and began to wander around the mall, I began to think about all the things I had to do. I had completely forgotten to call Taylor, not to mention poor Zac who needed his black boots back. So I hurried Mark in and out of Rampage and then to a small restaurant on the outskirts of the mall. We sat down and waited for our table.

“Gwen?” asked a voice. I turned around to find Morgan and her friend Brie.

“MARK?!” yelled Morgan after Mark had turned to see who I was talking to.

“hi,” said Mark innocently.


“I didn’t think you’d want to see me!” Mark said pissedly.

“Let’s remind each other who dumped who, ok?!” Morgan said, “ as I recall, I would have to say that I wanted to continue having a long distance relationship when I moved to LA, but YOU thought it was best if we just broke it off!”

“sorry?” Mark said hoping for approval.

“SORRY?! is that all you have to SAY?!” Morgan said shocked. She pulled him buy his Armani Exchange shirt over to a corner by the phone.

“Well, “ I said turning to Brie, “Do you want to join me at our table?”

“Sure, when they’re done yelling they can come and sit with us!” Brie said laughing.

“So how’s Blake?” I asked Brie. Blake was Brie’s boyfriend.

“Oh, he’s great!” said Brie. Blake was sooooooo adorable! If I didn’t have Taylor, then I would want Blake. He had these bright green-yellow eyes and pitch black hair. Blake and Brie were perfect for each other.


We sat down and talked some more. Finally, it seemed like it had been about an hour so we went to find Morgan and Mark. When we did, it wasn’t too surprising to find them all over each other in a corner at the front of the restaurant.

“Uh. Guys, we are gonna go shop or something we’ll meet you out here in like a couple hours, ok?!” I said to them. They didn’t answer. It was like talking to a wall.

“Oh well, “I said to Brie,” let’s just go, Morgan can drive Mark back to his hotel.”

THe Sequel: part 15
