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The Sequel: Part 12

Tay and I tried to write each other as often as possible. But as the months passed, the amount of time between each letter became longer and soon I was lucky enough to get a postcard from Tay every 6 months. More months passed. And soon I was 20. I had really forgotten about Tay and his entire family. I had moved to California too, but somehow our paths never crossed. I ended up with a fiancé, realizing that I would probably never hear Tay’s voice again, until that day.


I had pulled on my black tube dress and my Prada shoes, carelessly tossing my United Colors of Bennneton shoulder bag into my pink car. I had to meet my fiancé Devon at Louise’s on Melrose. (Author’s note: Louise’s is the restaurant next to Johnny Rocket’s where Hanson met Cindy Crawford.) It was his 1 hour lunch break. When I arrived, Devon was nowhere to be found, so I sat down at a sidewalk table and waited. A tall man with blond spiky hair sat down at the table next to me. He had a business type girl with him. I strained my ears to hear their conversation.

“How are these shots, Fiona?” asked the man.

“Well, you need to smile more at the camera, I want them more upbeat and happy,” said the woman with a heavy French accent, then she continued,” tell your older brother to smile more too, we want America to think of you as happy, carefree boys.”

I noticed that the man’s voice sounded familiar, but not at all like any voice that I might have known. I kept listening as I sipped my pink lemonade through a pink straw.

“Now, where’s Zachary in this picture?” asked Fiona. Almost instantly I spat out my lemonade all over Fiona.

“Gwen?” asked a voice. I turned around to find Devon staring me straight in the face. Embarrassed I grabbed the cloth napkin from the table before Fiona could speak and tried to wipe the lemonade off her obviously expensive dress.

“I’m soooo sorry,” I gushed dramatically, hoping that Fiona wasn’t too mad. She just stared at me in awe. I figured she was thinking how I could have done such a stupid thing. As a matter of fact, so was I.

“I will pay for the dress, really I will,” I said apologetically.

“Waiter, waiter.....” the man with Fiona called.

“Oh forget about it Jordan, I’m perfectly fine,” said Fiona. It was then that I finally realized why the man looked and sounded so familiar to me.


“What’s going on?” asked Devon curiously.

“Who are you?” Taylor snapped at me. I thrust open my DKNY wallet and pulled out a crappy snapshot of me & Taylor at TulsaWorld. I shoved the retarded picture in Taylor’s face.

“Gwen?” he asked puzzled. Fiona took one glance at the picture and called Jason, Hanson’s body guard.

“Now listen here young lady, I don’t want you to sell any of your phony pictures to the Star* or the Inquirer. If you do I will have you sued and thrown in jail!” Fiona screamed.

“They..They’re not fake Fiona,” Taylor said sadly, embracing me.

“WHAT’S GOING ON?” Devon yelled at us all.

“Who is this guy, Gwen?” asked Taylor.

“It’’s....” I stuttered. The word fiancé was on my tongue, but somehow I just couldn’t tell him.

“I’m her fiancé,” announced Devon protectively, pulling me away from Taylor’s arms.

“Your fiancé?” Taylor repeated, “ you’re getting married Gwen?”

“NO, I think he’s senile!!!!” I said madly giving Devon a glare. Devon tried to pull me away, but I refused.

“Hey, she doesn’t want to go,” Taylor said in an angry tone. Devon was so furious he just got into his car and drove away without picking a fight or anything. I did feel kind of guilty. I had just denied my fiancé because I had run into my ex-boyfriend. But he was my hot ex-boyfriend. And now that I had seen him again, I was determined to once again be with him, and this time it would be forever.

The Sequel: Part 13
