*ThE PlAnS FoR ThE ConCeRt*
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*ThE PlAnS FoR ThE ConCeRt*

The next day was Friday. I met Tay, Zac, and Ike at the corner ice cream store. I was sort of depressed. I hadn’t spoken to Dominique in like 12 hours. We usually talked on the phone and saw eachother a lot.

“Are you ok?” asked Zac when I sat down at our usual table.

“Yeah,” I replied softly.

“I CAN’T HEAR YOU!” screamed Zac right into my ear. I pushed him away playfully.

“Ya wanna start something,” he joked. I just laughed at him. Ike just sat there and smiled. He never said much. Me Tay, Zac and Ike settled the mall concert plan. My band would play first, and then the Hanson brothers would introduce their new song to the crowd.

Ike drove us home. I ran inside without even saying goodbye. Tay sensed my sadness. He lagged behind his brothers and sat on the front porch. I stomped up the stairs to my room and cried on my bed. Everything was going wrong. I knew that I was really being selfish. Everything was going wrong for ME! Dominique liked Tay, but so did I, and I was happy for Tay and his new song, but I was sad because of Dominique. I wanted us to be friends again.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. I answered it in tears, but I didn’t really caare. It was Taylor. He had his hands behind his back as though he was hiding something from me.

“Whatcha got behind you?” I asked curiously.

“For you,”he said, as he held out a small, wilted flower. He didn’t wait for me to accept it. Instead, he took my hand, opened it, and set the flower in the palm of my hand.

“Thanx Tay,”I said with a sniffle. He pulled me close and held me tight as I criend on his shoulder. After my tears were gone, I explained the entire thing to him. He said it didn’t matter that Dominique liked him. He only luved me. I made him go then. We needed to get sleep for the next day’s concert.

*NeXt ChaPteR*

Email: skagirl@mailcity.com