Hi, everyone! This page is for HANSON stories--All non Hanson stories will be posted somewhere else...I'll probably make a *new* page--This whole page-thing is getting a make over--it'll only be Hanson! :o)
Well, Click here for the disclaimer :)

All Sotires with a * by them are NOT by me :0)
Enjoy...Oh! And please put your comments in the comment book! Thanks!!!!

Chaptered Stories (aka Long Stories)

Summer Of 1999*

Short Stories

The Fire
Goodbye, Ike! Just A Kiss
Back In '98
Last night (very, very short....my friends LOVE this one) LoL
Jumper ((also very short))
The Last Twinkie (kinda funny....LoL..And, about two very short sentence long)
I Will Come To You (kinda freaky-ish)

One Chance
I Quit

Links to my FAVORITE Hanson stories and Hanson Story pages :)
Please put your comments in my Commentbook. THANKS!!!

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