Sean Kieran Conlon

Full Name:Sean Kieran Conlon

Nickname: Gungi (Steph Note: I don't even want to know....)

Hair Color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Height: 5'9"

Birthdate: May 20, 1981

Birthplace: Leeds, England

Been Singing since...: He was 4.

Self-description: Shy and emotional

Tasty Tidbit: Quietest member in the group

Hobbies: Ladies and music

Previous Jobs: doing removals

Most Embarrassing Moment: knocking over a table full of food at a party

Childhood Hero: Eddie Murphy

Dream Girl: Meg Ryan

Person he'd most like to meet: R. Kelly

Worst Haircut: He wanted to grow dreadlocks, but when he grew his hair out, it went all frizzy. KNow anymore about Sean? Plz sen it to me! Thanks bunches and bunches!

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