Richard Neville

Full Name: Richard Neville

Nickname: "Rich, but the lads call me posh"

Hair Color: Blond

Eye color: Blue

Height: 5'9"

Birthdate: August 23, 1979

Birthplace: Birmingham, England

Been Singing since...: "I came out of my mother's womb."

descibe yourself: "Very soft, Open, and emotional.

Tasty Tidbit:Looks 10 times better in person than he does in photos.

Hobbies: females, music, and clubbing

Previous Jobs: "Worked in a burger van and in my mum's pub."

Most Embarrasing Moment: "When we did our recording session in Sweden I was a little worse for fear after a night out."

Chlidhood Hero: Eddie Vedder

Drema Girl: Michelle Pfeiffer or Cameron Diaz

***Taken from All-Stars magazine Know anymore?? E-mail me! Thanx!

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