Introducing Aaron Carter!

The say talent runs in families, and that's totally tryue whn it comes to Nick Carter's clan! Maternal grandfather, Neil sang in th echurch choir and was a world-renowned organist! Nick's dad, Bob Carter, was in a rock 'n roll band during his teen years! Nick began showing an interest in singing as a youngster and had signed on with the Backstreet Boys by age 13! So it's no wonder that Nick's little brother, Aaron, longed to follow in his big bro's footsteps!

Aaron began singing with neighborhood friends at the tender age of 6! The grade-school group called themselves Dead End, and sang covers of well-known songs at libraries adn coffeehouses. After a while the guys realized their taste in music was changing, so he struck out on his own hip-hop and dance music, while his friends went the alternative rock route. Constantly striving for perfection, Aaron inproved his skill with just a couple of voice lessons. As for his smooth dance moves, most just seemed to come naturally, but he admits that choreographers taought him the more complicated stuff such as one-handed cartwheels.

Afetr tons of rehearsals and grueling practices, Aaron made his big debut at a Backstreet Boys show! --The March 1997 BSB concert in Berlin, Germany to be exact! The song was "Crush On You"--and the audience loved him! Aaron says one of the nicest things about that performance, "...was {when} the Backstreet Boys came out on the stage as a surprise and started dancing. I was really shocked. The girls started screaming louder, so I just did a cartwheel." But the fun didn't end there; in fact it was just the ver beginning! For it was at that same amazing concet, that Edel Records discovered the then 9-year-old singing 'n dancing noy wonder!

After that, things jst moved ultrafast for Aaron. He went on to record the singles "Crush On You," "Crazy Little Party Girl," "Gonna Miss You Forever" and "Shake It"--and even shot vides for them all! His self-titled American CD features those singles as well as "Ain't that Cute," a song written especially for him by big brother Nick--who's also part of his management team!--and BSB Brian Littrell!

Since Aaron has practically grown up among the Backstreet Boys and was such a sensation overseas--not to mention he won the hearts of girls everywhere!--it was only fitting that he tour with BSB this summer!

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