Leaving By Steph Cohen

I stared out my window at the old house next door. I remembered when Zac and I used to "explore" the old house. We used to just run around and look for new things. I let my self drift away into my memories.....

"Maddie, be careful!" I could tell from his voice that he was worried.

"Zac, I'll be fine. You can stay here, if you're so chicken!"

"Chicken," he exclaimed. "I'm not chicken. I just have to be home soon and I don't have time to worry about you if you get cut or something."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not gonna get hurt, Zac, you've known me all my life!"

"Exactly!" We both giggled. I stopped at sat down in the small tunnel that we had "discovered" a few weeks before. It was small, but so were me and Zac.

I looked into Zac's eyes. He stared back into mine. I'd never felt like that for a guy...it was so weird! "Zac, if you want to stop, we can stop and go back home. It's no big deal!"

He looked gazed into my eyes, "No, you want to go on, so let's go." He smiled. "I bet there's gold somewhere in this junkie old house." His face lit up. We were both 7 years old...the thought of finding gold seemed so cool!

We proceeded to travel through the tunnel and, eventually, we ended up in a room that we had never been in before. Zac's face lit up and I could feel that mine had too. We both smiled at each other. The room wasn't dusty like the rest of the house....it was actually quite well kept! I glanced around....On one side, there was a beautiful canopy bed....it was pink and gold....next to it was a small night stnd that matched...across the room was a matching dresser and a cestnut-colored wooden desk. Then, there was a beautiful trunk! The trunk and thre dresser were both covered with porcelein dolls that were beautiful! They looked so beautiful...antiques, I guessed.

"I wonder what's in that trunk," Zac declared, ripping into my thoughts.

"Only one way to find out," I smiled. We both ran over to the trunk. Quckly, yet very gently, we placed the dolls onto the floor adn opened the trunk. Inside, it was filled with old looking papers and books...and pictures!

"Rats," Zac exclaimed. "I was hoping it was something good."

I picked up one of teh papers and unfolded it. I started reading it, "Dearest Jona, I'm sorry to say this, but it's for the best, it's over. I'm leaving. I can't help you anymore. You need to be alone. That's why I'm doing this. I'm leaving...leaving you...leaving life...leaving this world. By the time you read this, I'll be deceased. Please, Do not cry for me....I will love you always....Love, Charles." Tears had filled my eyes by the time I put the letter back into the trunk. I looked around at Zac. He was sitting at the desk....looking at a piece of paper. "what's that?" I asked him.

He looked up at me, startled. "It's just a drawing. It's really good!" I jumped and ran to his side.

He was right. The picture was beautiful! It was a drawn picture of a young girl. She looked about 20 years old. She was wearing a beautiful necklace! It was a coker! It was....indescribable!

"She's pretty," Zac said, ripping through my thoughts once again.

Now it was six years later. I still have the pictures and the letters, and my memories...but I don't have Zac anymore. It wasn't that we drifted apart or anything, we had actually gotten closer...Zac had become my boyfriend, of course, it was a secret. It was just that he and his brothers had a band and they got rich and famous, so I only see Zac every now and then....They're rarely in Tulsa anymore and they don't live across the street. That's why I'm doing this....That's why I'm leaving. I took out a paper and a pen and began writing, "Dearest Zac, I hope this letter finds it's way to you.I'm sorry to say this, but it's for the best, it's over. I'm leaving. I can't help you anymore. You need to be alone. That's why I'm doing this. I'm leaving...leaving you...leaving life...leaving this world. By the time you read this, I'll be deceased. Please, Do not cry for me....I will love you always....Love Always and Forever, Madison......."


Email: sugarkisses1@mailexcite.com