Mario Roering's HOME PAGE
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Welcome to Mario Roering's HOME PAGE
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Home page last edited: 08 January, 2005 (time: 02:00 CET)

This web site, like almost every web site, is not yet finished. It probably never will be...
If you studied engineering or physics, my translation list for subjects might come in handy!
You do karate? Hey, I am building a site about Gensei-Ryu Karate!!
You might also want to click on "Funny stories"... Or maybe you want
to know someting about me... Neeeeeeh, why would ya?!?

  1. Genseiryu Karate
  2. Pilots dedicated page
  3. Funny stories
  4. Me...
  5. My WEBALBUM (still in try-out phase though...)
  6. NEDERLANDSE ingenieurs (to be): Vertaling vakken Technische Natuurkunde For Dutch speaking!
  7. De Nederlandse taal... ofwel: miere(n)neuken??? For Dutch speaking!

Some Links you really should check out:

CERN or: The European laboratory for particle physics
Blue Mountain Arts: for sending POST CARDS!
LinkExchanged: get a LINK to YOUR site!
Annecura - Praktijk voor Paranormale Geneeswijzen
Link page

For practisioners of Genseiryu Karate: (Official Dutch Genseiryu Karate site!)
Genseiryu Karate FORUMl (Official Dutch Genseiryu Karate FORUM!)
Biography of Peter Lee: "The Shihan of Denmark"!

Oh for God's sake... Another counter!!! Well, whether you like it or not, you are number:

(Since 16 June, 1997)
Send me an email!
