Energizer bunny arrested, charged with battery.

This is my page, and since this is my page I get to rant or rave about whatever I want. Some people don't understand that, so here's a simple interpretation: I will not change anything on this page for anyone. If it offends you, skip over it. If you don't like it, ignore it. If you think it's about you, it probably is. Hahahahaha. Go ahead and e-mail me about what to put on this page, or about anything you feel like. And, please - SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!!

LAST UPDATED: Friday, September 6, 2002
Happy 43rd birthday to my mom!
(She'll probably be mad at me for saying her age, but I'm going to be 20 on my next birthday, so how much younger than 43 can she be?)

DISCLAIMER: Amendment 1*- Ratified on December 15, 1791.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

*From the United States Constitution.

A Random Thought:

I heard that you combine your pet's name and your mother's maiden name to get your porno name. So mine would be Tyler or Tag Cox. Isn't Tag Cox an awesome porno name?!? My friend has an even better one though: Puddy Price. Isn't that cool? =)

AOL Instant Messenger: DixieCup01
MSN Messenger: Dixie Cup
Voice Mail: (513) 766-2003 extension 1421
E-mail: TaraLee83@aol.com
Pager: Click Here
ICQ: 78087951

Tara For President! -- Vote for ME!!

My Chat Room

Rants -- Things That Piss Me Off (UPDATED!)

Raves -- Things I Like

My Sisters -- One of them complained that I talked more about the dogs than I did about them. The moral of the story: Be careful what you wish for.

My Diary -- No it's not really my diary. I'm not stupid. It's just random stuff that I felt like putting up. It may not be very profound, but here it is. (UPDATED!)

My DeadJournal -- This is where I'm keeping a separate journal on certain things that I don't feel like putting on my diary page. (UPDATED!)

My Writings -- This is some of the writing I've done over the past couple years. I really have a selfish desire for external validation, so I want you to tell me what you think.

You know those stupid questionnaires your friends e-mail to you for you to fill out and send back to them? Well, here's one my friend sent me.

Are you a disillusioned teenager who can't wait to get out of high school, but doesn't want to hear another word about college? Me too!

You know you're from Ohio if you understand this list. I'm from Cincinnati, and it's kind of sad how many of these are true...

Need some free advice? I'll give you some.

Here's some famous and not so famous quotes that I thought were pretty funny.

How about some more quotes?

Here's even more quotes.


Here's some more jokes.

Here's even more jokes.

Books that you'll probably never see at a bookstore.

Deep Thoughts

Learn some absurd facts.

Learn some more absurd facts.

How about even more facts?

The Poopie List

Some Chocolate Tips

The Nose-Picking Guide

Now, I'm not the hugest Cheers fan -- I'm a little too young to remember -- but the reruns are pretty good. Here's some of the funniest Norm quotes that someone forwarded me a long time ago.

Are you pregnant? Not sure? Take the Online Pregnancy Test and find out. Doesn't matter if you're a guy or girl, it'll tell you if you'll be getting a visit from the stork soon, and dispense some wonderful pearls of wisdom at the same time.

A wonderful way to show how much you care.

Britney Spears still pisses me off, but I took the page down. I figure every time she's in a magazine or lip-synching through a TV special, she just drives my point home more and more. If you really want me to put the page back up, e-mail me.

To think that this guy was thisclose to being the President... Scary.

Read about the people I don't like.

Read about people I like. Surprised, huh? See, I can be nice when I want to.

Take my survey.

Read my journal.

See the survey results.

Read my responses to some of the messages in my guestbook.

See what webrings I'm in.

Subscribe to my zines.

Here I am! Now what are your other two wishes? (UPDATED!)

Some scary pictures of myself. View at your own risk...

Look! I got an award! If anyone else feels like giving me one, I guess I can post it... =)

Rants And Raves moved on to the quarter finals for the contest above, and won second place:


Life is a biochemical reaction to the stimulus of the surrounding environment in a stable ecosphere, while a bowl of cherries is a round container filled with little red fruits on sticks.

Therefore, life is NOT like a bowl of cherries!

Go to my forum. You can talk about whatever you want. Offend people! Create chaos! Just click the button.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? E-mail me. Please be nice. =) Of course, I've never been one to prohibit free speech, so all derogatory comments/bad names/raving fits can be directed toward this brick wall:

The Weather In Hell

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Hosted By Topica

Tina the Troubled Teen Uncle Hyman

NOTE:: Nothing on this site is designed to embarrass or ridicule anyone unless it is so stated. Nothing that is on this site came from anyone elses websites and/or zines. All this stuff is either made up by myself or one of my friends, or it was e-mailed to me by my friends and/or family. If anything is copyrighted, made up by anyone else, or otherwise needs recognition, e-mail me.

Click on my license plate to e-mail the one and only:

ICQ: 78087951
Voicemail: (513) 766-2003 extension 1421
Pager: Click Here