Again another rant. Sorry if you hate them but I have to write this one! In the last rant I wrote about flames. Sense I wrote that the flames have gone down, but I still do recieve some. But this rant isn't going to be entirely about flames. Let me start off with what this is about. VA vs. VA??? ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, now this is another stupid thing but lots of people audition for roles in the dub. A lot of people are good and some arn't. Its really hard for me to chose a VA for a certain character sense I get so many auditions! But I do have to choose and 1 person will be happy and the rest won't. Ok so what your thinking now is, "Well Jessica, of course they wont be happy. They didn't get the role. Whats the big deal about that?" Well, really nothing until they start causing trouble. What do I mean? Read this: Ok I give the role of **example** Luna to someone. Another person finds out and is very angry because they didn't get the role. So they act like a child and find the e-mail address of the VA and flame her. Telling her that she can't act and she sounds really stupid. Of course this will upset the VA and the person flamming will get some sort of sick happiness. This didn't happen to the VA for Luna but it has happened before. If you didn't get the role why are making the person who did feel like there terrible? Its wrong! Please don't do it! Try out for another role! You might get it and be happy! But even if you don't please don't go and do something stupid like this! Its not right! Now back to flames. Look at this one: "Hi. You've been working on this fandub forever and its sooooo old!!! Theres 4 other fandubs who are near done and you barely started!!! I can't believe people still back you up on this thing!! I bet you don't have a clue on what your doing!!!!! Why don't you just stop so you don't disappoint all those peopl!!! Or you can go along and dub it really crappy and have everyone laugh and get pissed at you!! Your so stupid for even doing this dub!!" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Stop it people!!! Stop flamming me!! Its so stupid! This person is so stupid! Ok enough about it! Grow up! Don't act like a child! Flamming is stupid. Get that into your heads. Thank you for reading this. Jessica ~_^