Ok. I know you peoples out there must be sick of rants but if you can, read this one, please! Every day I get at least 30 to 40 e-mails about the dub. About 20% of them are auditions, 10% are orders, 30% are questions, and the 40% left over are flames! I'm sooooooo sick of people flamming me! It's hard enough trying to keep up with the e-mail, the updating of the page and the dubbing! Flames just make it all worse! For example: "Hello, My name is ____ and I just visited your fandub page. Why is it that almost all your information is wrong! Why are you dubbing Sailor Moon into English anyway? Are you a DiC wanabe? Are you going to mess it up just like them and then say something stupid like, "Its so great that our dub is just like the Japanese!" I visited your cast page and I think most of the VA's on there are terrible! Half of them can't act to save there life! What makes you think they have what it takes to be a VA!?!?!?!?! If I were you I would stop this entire dub! Your just going to sqrew everything up and have everyone make fun of you!" I didn't put the name of the person down for a reason. But this hurt me when I read it. I started to cry! That day was bad enough as it was but then this person made it worse! I can't stand it when people do that! I can't stand it! Now you try running a dub! It's hard work!! I don't have much time anymore because the dub is taking up most of it! I stopped updating for that long time because of school, but now that school is over till February I can really work on it and hope to get at least one episode done! And this DiC wanabe thing is the most stupid thing I ever heard! I'm doing the dub for everyone to have fun! Fun! Even if the dub totally stinks, at least we had fun doing it! Heres another flame I recieved: "Why are you doing something so stupid? Why are you dubbing Sailor Moon Stars? Whats wrong with you?! Your going to mess up the whole series!" This also made me upset! How am I going to mess up the whole series!? I don't get it! Oh wow, I'm dubbing episodes so people can have fun, and maybe enjoy watching them! Is that how I'm messing up the series!?!?!?!??!??!?! Another thing! People who flame my guestbook! Look at this one. Its not really a flame but jeez, it still kind of got me mad. And the person didn't even leave an e-mail address. "WOW! I really want to get this tape, but I think I will wait until it's finished, because you said oct. or nov., and it is almost Dec., and you have almost nothing done! I sort of wonder if you've abandoned this, but, hey, I'll wait and see. You might think of updating every once in a while, because some of your info is, let's say, "expired". Well, your join the fanclub thing doesn't work, so.... fix it! Anyway, bye!" That one isn't really a flame but still sort of got me angry. Anyways what I'm trying to say here is don't flame people! It's so stupid! STUPID! I'm sick of getting them! My friends are sick of getting them! The WHOLE WORLD is sick of getting them! I hate how you people flame me about the dub, and flame VA's saying you can't act! It makes me sick! Grow up! Stop acting like a baby! Thank you for reading this. Jessica ~_^