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The Rambler's Journeys
The site formerly known as Stories and More.

For I am the Rambler,
Come and you will learn.
For I say not what I know,
but what I feel...

Welcome to the home of The Rambler. I have temporarily found my place here on the internet. I hope that you will come and explore my home as it is as much for you as it is for me.
As you explore the catacombs of my home please stop and look through The Rambler's Archives, the highly incomplete listings of my travels in this land.

As you wander please remember to visit Xanth, as well as the land so magical that it is simply called Fantasy. These are the two worlds where you will find me often.
There is a list of the best in fantasy and of the best sites on the web. Or you can go and visit my brother's pages.
Though I rarely stay long in one place... I hope that this site remains as a lasting comfort to both you and I.
The Rambler

My Poems
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My Glade
My Xanth
My List
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