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Updated on >>>>> 30th March, 2003.


Don't actually see the point of having this anymore ahaha...last updated 3 months ago..and before that, 5 months ago! Oh well. At my last term in Benenden, TIME FLIES!!! Remember how i used to update this thing like every other day back when i first moved to England 5 yrs ago. Now, its university! Manchester, to be exact. But ive decided to take a year off, deserve the break dammit =) Have been REALLY enjoying the single life for the past 6 months..tho it can get lonely at times. Back in KL for Easter (totally unexpected) and im just being lazy and soaking up the sun. MISS ENGLAND *sob*. Hope everyone is happy and healthy...take care, m xxx




If you don't know me, read on~

Name : MARITA.

a.k.a: Mer, Marootoo, Mooz, Burrito, Margarita, Midget, Merveeta, Dorito, Moorita, Reets, Chaquita, deaf, blind...and tha list goes on......=)


Origin : I'm a certified mutt. But primarily, American-Malay.

Studies : WINCESTER NURSERY, Singapore (1987-90), TANGLIN SCHOOL, Singapore (1990-94), GARDEN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, Kuala Lumpur (1994-98), BENENDEN, England (1998-2003).

d.o.b: 8th October '84

Ummm~ yeah that's it. Ain't much, but its just a page to let ppL back in KL know how I'm doing when I'm in the UK...and vice versa.