Kevin's Song
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     His name is Kevin. He was four years old. The day was the eighth of May as this story goes. He was outside playing with the other kids, they were all so happy at play that day, till Satan came along, to steal Kevin away. They were riding a cycle, having so much fun. Till Kevin turned around and in front he did run. Dad tried to save him from the cycles wheels, but Satan came along his life to steal.
     Mom she saw everything from the window sill. "My God in heaven why is he so still?" As her son was lying there in the road. Gods love was working for joys untold.
     "He will not make it." is what the doctor said. "Before He reaches the city, Kevin will be dead."
     We all were praying to our God above. He is a God of compassion and He is a God full of love.
     "And these signs shall follow them that believe: In My name they shall cast out demons: They shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them. They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. They shall recover, they shall recover, lay hands on Kevin and this shall be."
     Up at the city, the word still the same. He will never make it home alive again. His Mom was praying with all her might, "Dear Lord in Heaven help Him make it through the night."
     The days they came and went. The word still the same. The doctor said "Kevin was only a name."
     His father gave his life to God. He said no matter what we will live by His word. As he stood praying, beside his bed. He saw his Savor on the other side. His Lord was crying, moved with compassion as he laid his hand on Kevin's head.
     And then one night the Devil came to steal Kevin's life or try again. The doctors said his brain was gone from him. He will never breathe again, not on his own. His life is over so let him go. He will be better off now if you turn him lose.
     "For with God nothing is impossible. Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done, for them by my Father who is in Heaven."
     Our Jesus said "His life is not over, your son shall live again if you will only believe. Kevin's mom believed Him so we prayed together that one day he would run again.
     "He can not be doing that", is what the doctor said. "He can not be doing that, your son was dead."
     We praise our Father and the Son above for giving Kevin back for us to love. To God be the Glory, To God be the Glory, To God be the Glory for giving us our son.

June Townsend

This is a true story written about my brother. It happen in 1982.
My aunt is the aurthor.

This is Kevin and Melissa a couple of months before the accident.

Here is Kevin after the accident.


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