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Love Is Stronger Than Anything

~Chapter One~

September 5th was the first day of school for Randi and Lauren, who may I add did not know each other yet, but they soon would. Their school was called Tulsa Middle which is in Tulsa, Oklahoma. There was a very popular song going around called "MmmBop" by three of the most talented guys the two girls had ever seen, called Hanson. They knew that they lived in Tulsa, Oklahoma but neither one thought they would meet them in the next few weeks. Let's start at the beginning. One of Lauren's good friends, Melissa, introduced Lauren and Randi the first day of school. Once Lauren and Randi realized that they had so much in common they became BEST friends like that. Two weeks later the school got three late arrivals two in seventh grade and one in eighth grade. (*** I know they are they wrong grades but that's how the story goes***) They were all brothers, the same as Hanson! The two in seventh grade were Zachary or Zac for short and the other one was Taylor. The one in eighth grade was Isaac something and was called Isaac or Ike for short. That was the most strange thing because that was the same as Hanson, Randi and Lauren were convinced that the Hanson brothers were going to their school. The next week was the first time they saw any of them in person and it was Zac . . . HANSON! They were so exited that Lauren stopped dead in her tracks and Randi screamed, for the same reason. Right after Randi screamed people started running up to her including Taylor and Isaac Hanson. Randi tried to act very calm when Taylor asked her what happened, suddenly Lauren's worst enemy, Jessica Bassler yelled "Lauren you love Taylor and Randi you love Zac?!?!" The best part was when Randi got up Zac walked her to her class and told her to call him sometime and Taylor walked Lauren to her class (the same one as Randi's) and told her to call him, after he gave her his phone number. Lauren and Randi were so happy that they could barley breathe for the rest of the period. At the end of the day Randi went over to Lauren's house and they called Taylor first. They were only on the phone for twenty minutes, when Taylor had to go to soccer practice. So Lauren let Randi talk to Zac. They were on the phone for six hours, and they would've talked longer but Randi had to go home. Zac ended the conversation by asking Randi out. Of course she said yes. The next day, Taylor walked up to Lauren, and said: "Hey Lauren!"
"Hey Taylor."
"You can call me Tay, if you want to" He said, making his blue eyes burn into hers.
"Look," Taylor said. "We didn't get a chance to talk yesterday, so, can I call you today, after school?"
"Sure! Here's my number." Lauren gave him a piece of paper that had her phone number on it.
"Thanks! I'll walk you to your next class." He offered.
"Ok, it's all the way at the end of the hall."
When they reached Lauren's class, Taylor stared at her and she stared right back. The bell rang not even two seconds later and Lauren's teacher interrupted them.
"Lauren! Come back to us!" Mr. McCarthy joked. "OOOOHHH!!" The whole class chimed in. "Oh, shut up!" Lauren said. "Bye Taylor!"
"Bye Lauren! I'll call you!"

Chapter 2
