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I have nothing to do Hanson, or have I asked for their permission to make this story. It is entirely fictional, some of the characters are based on real life friends, but that's all. Also this page contains adult content, so if you can't handle it, please leave. However, please let me know if you like it or if you have ideas or anything don't hesitate to e-mail me, even if there is something that you don't like about the story. THANX N' ENJOY!

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Well, I've finally finished my story, but I've got two new ones coming up in my new page: Hanson+Leonardo DiCaprio Fantasy Page It's a page for Hanson and DiCaprio stories, so if you have any stories that you would like me to put up, e-mail me with the address.

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Links to other Hanson stories:

'What Happens when you're not there'-an Isaac Hanson story
'A Glint of Heaven'- a Taylor Hanson story
'With You In Your Dreams'- a Taylor Hanson story
'Tulsa 74132'- a Hanson story
Play the Hanson Game!
Hanson stories and links

(For more links go to my Hanson+Leonardo DiCaprio Fantasy Page)

The Hanson Story Ring

The Hanson Story Ring is owned by Sarah

Wanna join The Hanson Story Ring?

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