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Gypsy's Playground

OK I still don't seem to have much time to play in the playground
I have gone back to school
Am working on finding an internship for next year
Wish me luck !

If you haven't been here before, feel free to play around

Playground's Weather Forecast

Click for Ames, Iowa Forecast

you might want to drop into Kay's Bistro
Grab a cup of coffee or hot chocolate
Kay's Bistro
Kay's Bistro
where you can also find the Christmas House link

Playground Equipment

My Weather Links Page

Beyond Dream Castle - My Psycho Little Ponies
this page is a riot
Free Stuff on the Net

Swing over for More Playground Equipment

including some of my friends' homepages
some help for your HTML
and some of the other pages I have created

SHAD0WS REST has disappeared
we can't go play there anymore


please note "I do not endorse any of the links at the bottom of the page."