The conductor informed us that we were about to pull into La Juan, Colorado. We were an hour behind schedule but the train needed to be serviced, the dining car needed to restock, and a steamer engine had to be added to the end of the train to help us up the mountain terrain.

I stood up and stretched then contemplated sitting back down and enjoying the absence of people on the train or going out to stretch my legs and maybe use a regular size bathroom. It should be illegal to have bathrooms that small.

The thought of stretching and breathing fresh air not clouded by funky breath, body odor, and all different types of packed food had me walking up the aisle toward the exit in seconds.

I descended the tight stairway slowly and then exited into the cool air. What I saw made me shake my head in rye amusement. Podunk Town USA! The station, if you could call it that, consisted of two buildings about 200 feet apart with a miniscule parking lot – half filled – in between. One of the buildings boasted a rapidly fading sign that said simply ‘La Juan’ and four doors leading inside. The other building was old with white-gray chipping paint and two bruised wooden doors that looked like they could be broken up by a cough.

The platform was cement and just barely accommodated the length of the train, which was immense. Other than the sleeper cars, the coach cars, and dining and lounge cars there were a bunch of other cars attached to the back of the train. I remembered hearing something about mail cars or something to that affect. I thought, rather impatiently, that if they ditched that stuff we’d be sure to hit LA in no time flat. As it stood I still had over 24 hours left on the train. Any extra speed would have been welcomed by me.


I watched the people mile about and form in clusters to converse. I mildly cursed myself for my whole "fear of heights" phobia that kept me off of a six hour flight two days earlier. A flight that carried six friends who decided that they were not going to waist three days of vacation on a train. I told them it would be an experience they told me I would have to experience it alone – much like sex. They always had jokes.

I pulled my shades down over my eyes, thankful for newly purchased contacts. The shades were black and oval and matched my black and white motif nicely. Black timberland boots, white ankle socks with the word timberland around the cuff, black cargo shorts, white and black timberland shirt, and a black scarf tied around my head to protect my fresh corn rows from any harm.

I looked like a thuggish gang member from New York, which was hardly true, but I really didn't care I was comfortable and that was all that mattered. Though if my mother had seen me she would have been disgusted saying that I looked like a little boy. The woman failed to realize that I had too much ass and my breasts were too big for me to ever look like a little boy.

I strolled into the La Juan building strutting my perfected "don’t fuck with me" look. The place was so – small. An old style ticket booth, two rows of seats in the middle of the room – about ten seats total, two pay phones, a snack machine and two soda machines.

What train station has only 2 phones? One phone was located between the vending machines and the door leading to the parking lot. The other was located beside the ticket booth and across from the small pair of restrooms.

I shook my head as I got a soda and a bag of chips. I headed over to the phone booth nearest the restrooms planning to call San Diego and tell my friends the train was running late. I figured reversing charges would be a lot cheaper than using my cell phone. As I neared the corner I heard major cursing and what sounded like a foot hitting the plastic siding of the booth.

Curiosity quickened my steps. When I saw the cause of the racket I paused in a state of shock. She was a little shorter than I was -- around five feet three. Her hair was corn rowed straight back into a single braid with a pony tail holder at the end. She wore a white midriff top and jean shorts that my mother would probably call booty shorts, and simple white-canvas tennis shoes. Her left ankle was graced with a silver anklet; her neck boasted a matching silver necklace. Every other finger beginning with her thumb on her left hand claimed silver rings. On her left wrist there was a dainty little silver watch turned inward to face a single bracelet that matched the one I wore.

The bracelet was completely silver except for the middle six rings. There was one red ring, one orange ring, one yellow ring, one green ring, one blue ring and one purple ring. It was a pride bracelet -- a simple enough symbol of the gay and lesbian community. At times I felt bad because I wore my bracelet more as a dating service than a true OUT THERE pride symbol. I mean I figured a cutie might see my bracelet and know we were "family" and I would have a better chance at getting to know her than if we were both left wondering. True it’s said all gay people have a special homing beacon, formally known as Dar, but sometimes it was hard for me to tell my gay dar from my I-wish-she-were-gay prey dar.


Silver shades covering her eyes she turned and looked at me.

"You don’t want to use this phone," she mumbled slamming the receiver back on the hook. "Sonofabitch won’t work! Fuckin’ one horse town!"

"You saw a horse? Thought it was more of a one dog town myself." I knew that made absolutely no sense but before I could even feel the least bit idiotic she smiled.

"What’s the chance you have a cell phone?"

"Very big chance," I stated walking closer to her so she’d be able to see my bracelet. My mouth kind of went dry the closer I got. Her breasts were full and luscious and straining against her shirt in that seductive way that is alluring without looking trashy and slutty. I noticed her navel ring – a diamond stud – peaking at me and realized I had yet to meet her eyes or at least her shades. I was ogling her and doing it openly. How disgusting!

"Really? You have one?" she asked extreme gratitude in her voice. "By the way I love the bracelet." she smiled.

"Yeah I have one the catch is getting it to work," I replied letting the bracelet comment go without response. What could I say that wasn’t going to come out dweebish?

She laughed. "Can I try? I need to call home."

"Oh, girlfriend waiting for the call?" I asked pulling the Nokia from my cargo pocket.

She smiled, lighting up the interior of the small dingy station. "No but I need to call a friend to make sure I have a ride from the station."

"Oh where are you getting off at?" I asked handing her the phone as I leaned against the wall next to the booth."


"Native of California?"

She shook her head no as she dialed the phone. "New York originally. I moved here about three months ago."

"Really --"

She held up her hand cutting me off as she began to talk into the phone. I watched her through my shades and took her all in. Her hand motions her scent. Her body posture. Her full lips. Suddenly I was consumed by the thought of taking her in one of the bathrooms on the train. Two fingers were deep inside as she straddled my waist and my lips sucked on hard little nipples. She was moaning and her nails were clawing the skin of my neck as the pad of my thumb pressed teasingly against her clit.

"— well we are running an hour late but the conductor said that might change once we hit New Mexico tonight –"

I was brought from my image by the sound of her voice and the removal of the cool soda can from my hand to hers.

She took a sip. "—I’ve made a new friend who is letting me use her phone. I’ll see if she’ll be so kind as to let me call you tomorrow so I can tell you what’s up… Yes she is very cute… Yes she’s family… No I haven’t asked if she’s single… No I am not planning to seduce her…"

I smirked and walked back towards the soda machine to buy another soda. I knew if I heard anymore that I would be consumed by laughter.

A few seconds later she walked up behind me. "Thanks."

"Sure. No problem."

"What do I owe you? I know that had to be long distance and roaming and a whole bunch of other charges. Not to mention the soda I just –"

I shook my head cutting her off. "Don’t worry about it."

"Hmm… well how about I buy you dinner on the train tonight?"

"You asking me on a date?" I asked causing the eyebrows of two elderly ladies – the only other occupants of the station — to arch.

"Nope," she replied turning to leave out of the ramshackle building. "I’m inviting you to be dinner," she called back over her shoulder.

I watched her glorious ass bounce perfectly rock hard toned calves and just shook my head. Dinner had always been my favorite meal of the day.

Her name was Alexia. She was twenty-one and had moved to San Diego three months earlier for her career. I wasn’t sure what she did exactly but she worked for an agency that handled all types of stars from the movie industry to the sports field. The company was opening up a home base on the West Coast in San Diego. Her sister had moved there a year earlier and so to be closer to her she had requested to go help get the new center up and running.

She was single with no children and she was traveling on the train alone. Her last relationship had lasted three years and had ended six months ago.

She thought I was sexy, which made me blush. She said I looked all "butch and tough" but she could tell I was as soft as a "baby’s freshly powdered butt" inside. I wondered what she would have done if she had seen me the day before in the double split skirt body shirt and sandals.

She touched me a lot. Mostly her fingers tracing my face or a hand cupping my knee. She had removed her shades so I got to see her sparkling hazel eyes with these enchanting gold flecks light up with laughter and smiles.

She wanted me and as we sat in the observation car watching the sunset I contemplated a fling. I mean she was damn sure fine as hell. She had a great personality. And even though I wasn’t ready for another relationship I knew that a train fling would never turn into one.

They called our dinnertime and we stood up. I was about to walk past her and she grabbed my arm.

"I promise not to look too deep."

I looked at her confused. "What?"

"Your shades. Take them off and I promise not to look too deep."

I caught her meaning and smiled as I removed my shades. She smiled and turned to walk towards the dining car.

Dinner was over priced and crappy. I tried the baked chicken and she just had a salad.

"This food bites!" I exclaimed shoving a piece of chicken in my mouth.

She grinned, "You can’t go wrong with salad." She winked. "Took this trip before so I know the cooking isn’t something Amtrak is known for."

"Oh – so why’d you let me order real food then?"

With a fake serious expression she said simply, "Everyone isn’t as picky about what they eat as I am."

I arched an eyebrow at the obvious double entendre.

"Before you taste it though how do you know if it’s worth eating?"

A small shrug was followed by a quick flick of her tongue across her lips. "I just try not to deny my mouth when it starts to water."

I laughed.

For dessert she had pie a la mode and I had a fruit bowl which consisted of grapes, apple and orange slices, and strawberries.

I ate my fruit as I watched her concentrate fully on consuming every last bit of her pie and ice cream. Mmm – good to the last drop. When she was finished she turned to watch me.

My cousin always used to say, "If you have a plate full of food and half of it you hate. The method to not wasting it is eating the bad stuff first. You eat the bad then the good and when the meal is over you can thank the cook with a smile."

I loved all fruit but I went with the pattern anyway. Always save the best for last.

The strawberries were last and having finished her pie all of Alexia’s attention was focused on watching me eat them. I wasn’t trying to be sexy or seductive but strawberries are just one of those things that should be enjoyed slowly and fully.

She watched my lips surround a strawberry, watched my teeth break and chew it and my tongue search out the sprinkles of juice on my lips. Her eyes seemed to get lighter and more intense as a small smile formed on her lips.

She wanted me. There was really no doubt in that. As I finished the strawberries and she paid the bill I knew she was trying to figure out just how to have me.


When we’d left the dining car it was 10:20. Time zone change was announced five minutes later making it 9:20. They were playing the movie "Here On Earth" and we descended the stairs to the lounge car and watched on the lower level in the back.

It was a small cabin. Its back wall was really a sliding door for a handicap bathroom and the VCR shelf station. To the right of that wall was an alcove holding a thirteen-inch television boasting the words "Property of Amtrak" at its bottom. On the wall diagonal there was another alcove boasting a matching television. On both of the sidewalls there were chaise lounges with tables in front of them suitable for eating or game playing.

I took a seat on the right lounge seat so that I faced the television and I wasn’t the first thing you saw when you entered the little cabin. Alexia disappeared coming back five minutes later with a nice size comforter. I was the only one in the back cabin and she climbed over the table to the chair and lay out on top of me.

I was startled. Truly stupefied as she turned and placed herself in the crook of my arm and covered us with the comforter. I just smiled waiting for the comments to come when people walked in and discovered us as we were.

The movie began. Some guys getting into a testosterone battle over some girl. Rich boy against small town boy.

She turned and kissed my lips gently and slowly. Her tongue darting out to trace my lips every now and then. She turned back to the movie mumbling something about hoping all of me tasted like strawberries. My only response was to wrap my arms tighter around her.


The movie was good but not great and the ending was rather sad. The next movie was "Hangin’ Up" with Melanie Griffith, Lisa Kudrow, and Diane Keaton. I thought it would be good but Alexia was knocked out. We had had only one "visitor" during the two-hour feature and that was the attendant who checked the bathroom noticing us when he turned around to go back towards the front of the car. He just shook his head and smiled. I couldn’t tell whether his smile meant he was family or just a flash of guy lust. When I turned to ask Alexia that’s when I noticed her sleeping peacefully.

I woke her up and she smiled. With her standing up and stretching I got a full view of her body and I had to lick my lips. She looked good enough to eat. She was gorgeous.

"Well you I guess this is goodnight. Will you meet me for breakfast in the morning?" I asked standing and folding the comforter for her.

"Aww… not yet!"

"What? I thought you were going back to sleep," I stated the movie beginning in the background.

She walked closer to me. I started to back away instinctively. I ended up sitting in the corner of the lounge with her standing in front of me.

She kissed me. Nothing slow and sweet this time. Hard and kind of rough. Her tongue forcefully parted my lips and invaded my mouth. Her teeth nipped at my lips then she sucked them gently to cure the sting. Her hand went behind my head to hold me in place – as if I was going anywhere.

When we finally broke for air she was standing between my legs with my hands cupping her waist a few fingers straying to her ass. Her eyes were locked with mine.

"I’m not sleepy anymore," she mumbled her fingers playing at the nape of my neck.

I glanced past her and noticed that we had a small audience. Three teenage guys looking like they were plotting ways to join us. A young woman staring at us as though she didn’t quite understand. An older attractive woman drinking a beer glancing between the movie and us with a small smile on her face – she wore a pride necklace.

Alexia’s gaze followed mine and she just smiled and pecked my lips. She didn’t seem to be affected one bit by the various probing eyes.

"Walk me to my seat."

I swallowed and grabbed the comforter to where I had dropped it on the floor. "Uh – okay."

She was sitting in the same car that I was in but she was at the back. The seats beside her, across the aisle from her and behind her were all empty.

We sat down kicked off our shoes and threw the comforter over both of our legs. Then we just talked. We talked about everything. Love. Life. Movies. Books. Music. Day Dreams. Goals. Children. Pet Peeves. Coming Out stories. Parents. Everything! Then for awhile we were just silent.


"I want you," she whispered. "Having never done this sort of thing before I don’t know how to have you or take you but I want you so damn bad!"

Her voice was low and laced with more passion than I had ever dreamt possible.

"Do you want me?" she asked her fingers dancing along my thighs.

"Yes," I choked out.

Her head lay on my shoulder and she closed her eyes. Seconds later she was asleep and then so was I.


When I opened my eyes I saw the dark outline of the mountains through the window of the train. Alexia was not in her seat near the window. One of my legs was draped across the armrest of the chair in front of me and the other was lying out across Alexia’s vacant chair. The comforter was draped across my legs pooling out into the aisle beside my chair. I felt small kisses being placed along my inner thigh.

Guess I knew why Alexia wasn’t in her seat.

My head was back on the courtesy pillow; my eyes focused on the mountains as I moaned real low. I felt her warm breath slide across my lips already covered with wetness and I almost came right then.

"If you’re awake put your hands on my head," she whispered, a finger tracing the wetness down my slit. I was tempted to fake sleep but somehow I knew she’d stop. My hands found her head beneath the blanket the coarseness of her braided hair feeling good against my palm.

She kissed my lips. Her tongue sneaking between their folds and then slipping back out after the teasing gesture had produced a spring of wetness on her tongue.

My eyes closed as I arched a little towards her telling her I wanted her mouth on me more. She sucked at my lips nipping them gently letting her tongue swirl little patterns inside. Then her mouth was gone.

One then two fingers slid inside.

"Oh!" I exclaimed as low as possible but in a tone that probably drew some stares.

One hand massaged my thigh then cupped me and held me still as two fingers from her other hand dove deep inside pumping in and out; slow then fast. Then slow and gentle as she massaged me inside and began some finger motion that drove me crazy. It was hard to keep my moans contained and she seemed to know this as she brought her lips to my body again. She kissed everywhere but my throbbing clit.

"Please," I moaned.

She stood then, her fingers still buried inside, and she lay between my legs her body exerting a subtle pressure to her fingers. Her lips touched mine and I could taste my juices.

"Mmm… strawberries," she moaned against my lips.

She kissed my chin then my neck and then the outline of my breasts her fingertips tracing the nipples. Her fingers started faster as her lips grazed across my stomach.

She glanced up at me. "What do you want?" she asked, her eyes this enchanting brown that stole my breath.

"Your mouth on my – I want you –"

She ducked under the cover and pressed her lips against my aching clit. I groaned just as the attendant walked past. He stopped and looked at the empty seat beside me my position, the blanket and then with a crooked grin he walked off. All the while her fingers pumped my wetness as her tongue traced the head of my clit.

She slowly sucked the sensitive nub between her lips tugging gently causing my body to arch embedding her fingers deeper inside.

I was about to cum and I told her as much and then she stopped. Her fingers slowed down and her tongue stopped circling my clit. As I moaned in protest her hot ass tongue stabbed deep inside my wet hole and slowly she began to tongue fuck me.

In. Out. In. Out. Her finger tips dancing a long and teasing my clit. The thought of cuming all over her face and all over her hot tongue took hold of my mind. My body arched my hands grabbed her head and held her there close too me, deep inside me.

She went faster and faster and faster with her tongue seeming to slide deeper as the softness of her upper lip gently grazed my clit.

My eyes closed tight. My legs squeezed shut and I exploded into a million pieces all of my juices dripping down her throat like a waterfall.

When I opened my eyes she was beside me. Her head rested on my shoulder her lips were pressed against my neck.

"Strawberries," was all she mumbled as I tried to regain my breath.

I laughed.

We lay quietly for a few minutes during which the attendant, crooked smile blazing walked past us again.

"Your turn," I whispered.

She shook her head her hands sneaking between my thighs a finger between my lips. Still wet and oh so sensitive I moaned.

"I’m not finished with you yet."

"But –"

Her fingers were inside; her thumb exerting just enough pressure on my clit her lips found mine. She began to finger fuck me slowly whispering encouraging words and fiery images across my lips.

My shirt and bra were up. Her lips surrounding my nipples. She tugged one between her teeth and fucked me faster pushing me against the chair. It made an odd squeaking noise that I just knew all the other passengers on our car and all the other cars could hear. There was a sick kind of thrill in having her take me and having to be quiet so as not to get caught. The chair squeaking sounding like a blaring fire alarm in my head brought on this other worldly sense of pleasure.

After awhile though I couldn’t really hear it. All I could hear was Alexia in my head. Her lips kept straying from my lips over to my ear where she was whispering sweet things and not so sweet things to me.

"You are so damn hot!" she would exclaim coming back seconds later and saying "I feel your hot little clit jumping against my fingers you wanna cum don’t you…I’m not letting you cum yet…I’m not gonna"

Her teasing was driving me crazy and it got to the point where I wanted to cum so bad my head was spinning with the need for release but also I wanted her to be finished so that I could pay her back.

"Look at me" she said causing me to open my eyes. It was a true fight the pleasure was so intense my eyes were squeezed tight.

"I want your eyes locked on mine as I make you cum!" she exclaimed her finger circling my clit slowly. "If you close them I’ll stop."

I saw in her eyes as her fingers began moving faster and deeper inside me that she wasn’t kidding. A tremor went through me starting at my head and ending at my toes. My eyes shut for a second and she stopped. Just stopped.

"No," I moaned low. "Please don’t stop."

She laughed this low deep sounding laugh. "Open them back up then. Open them up and cum for me."

I squeezed them closed even tighter using the pressure of my eyelids as a point to focus on as I struggled for control. A control I had given up to her long ago. Her hand began to slide from inside me and I moaned and somewhere deep in my mind said the hell with control. My eyes snapped back opened focused completely on her. My medium brown irises locked totally with her fire filled hazels. Her luscious lips curved into this startling sexy and sinister sensuously scandalous smile that made my heart rate speed up. The smile and the look in her eyes stole my breath and before I could recapture it fully her lips were locked with mine.

I released a sigh against her mouth just as her thumb began working my clit again. There was no teasing or taunting this time as her tongue drove deep into my mouth to match the rhythm of her fingers driving deep into me core. My body began to arch towards her I could feel the implosion of self and the resulting explosion building ever rapidly. When I reached the point of no return. That point where stopping would be torture yet to continue would feel the same. That height where two people truly become one in spirit bonded in a release incomparable to any other. When I reached the peak the top of that mountain she broke her lips from mine and locked our gaze once again.

"Don’t close your eyes," she whispered as my lids started to descend once again in pleasure. "You don’t have time. Can’t you hear him coming –" her fingers worked faster? "I won’t stop this time until you cum with your eyes open. If you close them he’ll see."

I knew whom she meant. The train attendant. I was startled and shocked. And wetter than I would have ever thought possible.

She pressed her lips to my ear her warm sweet breath tickling me heightening my already peeked pleasure. "Cum for me now or he’ll catch us. He’s al-most-here" she stated pronouncing every syllable as she leaned up to lock her eyes on mine.

Her fingers slowed and shifted and then all at once it felt as though there were a hundred tiny feather like fingertips working my hard button. I started to close my eyes but then they opened back up and focused on her. I wanted her to see what she was doing. To know what she had caused. And the second I made that decision I heard the attendant a few rows up speaking with a passenger about the next day's breakfast menu.

The soul deep bond with her eyes. The fear of being caught by the attendant. And the question of poached eggs catapulted me into an orgasm so intense my whole body shock with the affect.

Twenty minutes and hundreds of minor after shocks later we lay head to head. It occurred to me that I had yet to taste her but my bones felt like mush and it was getting harder and harder for me to stay awake. Her thoughts must have traveled the same road because she kissed me softly against my lips and said simply, "We have time."

Two more days, I thought drifting off into sleep, all the time in the world. All the time in the world.

H.L.J. "Book of Souls"
Copyright © 2001-2002 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED