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About World`s .. and wannabe`s

Sure, it's confusing. Everybody talks about 3D - but where is it?
Okay, there's some VRML stuff out there, and a few other proprietary formats, but who's really doing anything cool with it?
Where are all the 3D shopping malls, or tourist sites, or great looking museums?
And who's got the patience to crawl through what little is available at a lightning-like three frames per second?
Is this the best we can do with all the technology that's out there?

Is the NET really flat after all?

OnLive Technologies.. Home of the OnLive Traveler
well for me OnLive Traveler is still the best 3D Chat

since I downloaded it first 4 years ago I tried a lot of other 3D chats but nothing comes close to it its hard to explain why, maybe it`s the fact that this one using full animated avatar heads (all other using zombie like full body avatars at these days) to represent you in the virtual world or the fact that this one is still the only one who have live multi user full duplex voice chat with really crisp voice quality or the way you can move around you can fly in all 3 dimensions and look in avery corner of the world you`r in or the funny avatar faces you can see the mouth moving when someone speaks, really funny when the sound of the voice fit to the avatar . it just looks so real. Maybe one of the reason are the funny beach party's we had at virtual MTV Tikki Island or the cool chats with the people from MS-NBC THE SITE at the virtual THE SITE TVStudio or the live Football radio shows at Saturday night Football from ABC Sports featuring the speaking pizza ..mmhh maybe all of that makes the Traveler unique to me ..

Well as I already said this chat client are pretty old and there is no plan to make an update (as far as I know) the last one was made back in 1997 from version 1.ø to 2.ø2 (in some beta steps) OnLive stopped the Project in the end of 1997 the only reason why this one is still up and rule the 3D scene are that some `freaks`put up private Traveler server and make them assessable for the public (btw thanx to all of`em)

OnLive Treveler
in 1999 the Internet Company take over OnLive but it seemed that are more focused on his own multi user text based virtual world chat

who knows maybe they`ll see the potential of this great product.. Someday

Holodesk Communicator are an new Project by Tpresence, Inc based on the Silicon Graphic CosmoPlayer vrml Browser. Really great 3d worlds and animated avatars, 1 to 1 (clear voice quality through ACELP.NET audio codec)voice chat, buddy list and the fact that you can upload files to the virtual worlds to share it with other make the 10mb download worth it


The free downloadable vrml viewer CORTONA from ParallelGraphics are the best viewer available today since Silicon Graphics closed the Cosmo Player project.

The multi user VRML server ISLANDS based on Cortona are fun too great graphics and animated full body avatars and customizable worlds and the possibility to add your own vrml character to it make this one a must see

My Tank is my Castle... look at JAKE the Scotsman
after battle standing at the turret of his Tank..
Pictures Shows one of the highlights of Islands the Battle Tank Game POLYGON..

Microsoft® brought you Windows ...
Moove brings you the rest of the house!
new project


Parsec is going to introduce you to a whole new universe.
The core of Parsec will be a network of gameservers each responsible for a single galaxy comprised of several solar systems.
All gameservers will be registered at the central Parsec masterserver from where you can select a specific gameserver for playing.

The basic unit of game play is a single solar system but you can jump from system to system as you like. There are no game sessions that have to be started explicitly.
You can seamlessly join and unjoin a gameserver at any time. But beware!
While you are peacefully exploring the universe everyone else will try to shoot you down to advance their position in the roster of all-time Parsec legends.
If you want to become a legend yourself, you will have to eliminate a lot of other spacecraft and still prevail to collect the honor.

This screenshot shows COUNTER STRIKE an mod (modification) of the game Half-Life by Valve/Sierra at my humble opinion this will be the future of multi user virtual worlds not only games like this but games like Anarchy-Online, Neocron, Everquest or Ultima Online ..Microsoft plan a multi user voice chat option build in the next version of the DirectX engine [8.ø].. used by the most games based on the windows platform

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed on this site are my own. All pictures are copyrighted at their respective company and I'm in no way connected to these companies.
I'm not using this site in a commercial way, that means I'm not making any money off of it