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Leonardo DiCaprio & Nick Carter

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since February 10'th. Hello !!! Im Tatyana Michelle Anderson , this page's creator (last updated: 6.4.200)!! Im 15 years old and from San Fransisco. I am a BIG fan of Nick and Leonardo, and i suppose you also are too since you are here. I will improve this page so you are welcome back later I hope you like my page and the links offcourse! If you have any idea of what would make this page better, write me an mail by clicking on the "Email me" link under the text block! You can join my new Leo & Nick Newsletter for FREE, just write your e-mail adress and click the join button and you'll recieve a newsletter every week with the latest news about Leo and Nick! NEWS!!!NEWS!!!NEWS!!!NEWS!!!! Im starting now, to add more pics of other celebrities to my page, so mail me your request and i'll make sure that there will be pictures of YOUR favourite celebrity!
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Some links....

Need advice? Go to Dear Tatyana
Nick with the rest of BackStreetBoys
Picture of Nick Carter
Leonardo is SEXY
Leo in bed
Leo in the wind
Basket Leo
Leonardo with Marky Mark
Nick Carter CHATROOM
Nick with his little brother Aaron
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Britney Spears !!!NEW!!!!
Westlife !!!NEW!!!!