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Four years after the Battle of
Endor, the struggle against the reme-
nants of the Empire continues. With the
New Republic struggling to liberate Imperial
worlds, rogue Imperial leaders have turned to ever
more desperate tactics to hold power in the Empire.

In the distant Kathol sector, a New Republic task Force
attempts to defeat Imperial Warlord Moff Sarne. As Imperial
and New Republic Starships battle in orbit, a small New Republic
infilitration team lead the assault on the Imperial Moff's stronghold.

At the close of the battle, Moff Sarne had fled. What the found in his base
however, casued them worry. Strange alien technology the likes of which they had
never seen. Now it is a race against time as the hastily gathered crew of the Corellian
Corvette FarStar race across the galaxy seeking to discover the Warlord's plans and stop
him before he can use them against the struggling New Republic and form a New Empire from the ashes of the old

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The Empire
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