Ok. I really hate to have to ruin this beautiful work of prose but because SOME people are retarded, I'm going to have to. I am in no way mocking the death of Jordan Taylor Hanson. I didn't write this although I wish I knew who did so that I could give the person all the praise and compliments that I've received in their place. And as for you hundreds and hundreds of nice people that ask if you can use this on your pages, go right ahead. You don't even have to ask. If you have a problem with this letter, for any reason, DO NOT (!!!!!) email me telling me that my morals are wrong and all kinds of other CRAP because I don't have the time, nor the patience to put up with your juvenile ignorance. Understood?? Good. Now check out what some freak sent me: Oh yeah...note the HORRID spelling errors.
  • Subj: wow!!!! Date: 6/3/99 5:25:26 PM EST From: I'm leaving her anonymous for her own good. To: Silvrgrl01 How could you put something like that on here. When i read that note my sister friend and i all balled are eyes out. I could not imagine life without any one of hanson. Every time i listen to i will come to you or more then anything i cry i cant bare the thought of what would happen if that really came true. I just hop that no one really close to them gets a hold of that. ] JENNY FROM TAYLOR, MICHIGAN
    Subj: Re: wow!!!! Date: 6/5/99 8:39:07 AM EST From: (I'm not putting her addy on here to protect her) To: Silvrgrl01 Well excuse me but I know you did not write it I was just saying that where I come from you don't mess around with stuff like that, and of coarse I know it is fake but it is not funny to play around with peoples deaths. I was not trying to insalt you I just thought it was really sad if I was going to insault you I would have written alot more then what I did. Oh and if that little spelling thing was meant as an insalt my advise to you is to come up with something better then that because it did not work! If you did not want negative mail then you should not have asked for people to send you their comments. Not everyone has the same oppnion!!!!
    Oh forgive me little girl!! LoL...some people...
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