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Hello everybody!!! How are you? I'm fine, thanks for asking. Now before you say, I don't want to be in this weirdo's page because he freaks me out... look at the cool links and read about what I like. Here goes nothin'.....

My Favorite Things In Life That Make It Worth While

1. Sandman and Death comic books: Definitely the most sophisticated comic book I've ever read with some kick-ass art to go along with it. Buy it...

2. Disney: Most possibly the best and coolest company in the history of the world! The make some of the best movies around, but the live action ones always... how should I put this... suck.

3. Disney Villians: The true heroes of the story. They always seem to be so misunderstood. Plus, they make the story. What would Snow White be without the evil Queen. A girl lives with her father the king. She never goes out into the forest and finds the dwarfs or their homes and she lives happily ever after married to that wussy Prince Charming. My point exactly. For more reference reading, mail me for my point-of-views or read the newly released book, Hades, Myside Of The Story. Excellent book! Been on the top sellers list for months.

4. Other Villians: Darth Vader and Kessley and Wadsworth and Long John Silver. All the other little nasties that people boo and hiss at when the curtain comes down.

5. The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Exquisite movie!!! Tim Curry at his finest! Susan Sarandon aint so bad either!

6. Tim Curry: The best live actor as well as voice actor playing such parts as Long John Silver (Muppet Treasure Island), The one guy (In Annie), Wadsworth the murderous butler (Clue), Hexus (An evil cloud of smoke in Ferngully), Captain Hook (Peter Pan and the Pirates. Yeah for Disney Villians!), The Lord of Darkness (Legend starring aside Tom Cruise), and many other great roles he always plays the villian too!!

I'll write more later but please write me and send me cool pictures and other cool topics to put on the page. But I'm not done, come back in two days!

The Coolest Links

Scar Page!
Disney-- The coolest company around!
Games and Puzzles of Every Sort
Angelfire! Make your Home Page!
This is Absolutely The best Page you will ever SEE!!!!
Like Movies? Dowload your favorite sound from your favorite movies!
Pez Museum
Peter's Page (He works for LucasArts)
For Star Wars Lovers
For Star Wars Games Lovers
Game strategies for all the games in the world!!
My last link--- Cool PC Gaming stuff!

Email: jmorr43554@aol.com